jadi begini. (mood posting with indonesian: on)
was like shocked sekaligus seneng waktu ada temen -sebut saja si Z- bilang, 'eh si X putus sama si Y lho!' which is, kabar putus itu sangat kita --I mean, me and Z-- nantikan. mungkin juga sama beberapa orang yang tidak meridhai *ek* si X dan si Y pacaran.
tapi sayangnya itu tidak bertahan lama.
beberapa hari kemudian, waktu chat sama temen yang lain -anggap namanya W-
'udah tau tentang si X?'
'itu? dia kan udah balikan lagi to?'
krik. krik. krik. #kemudianhening.
galau. galau antara mau nyelamatin sama mau marahin dia,
'kamu nyadar nggak e kalau dia tuh nggak serius, mosok putus-nyambung gitu, nyadar nggak e dia itu nggak konsisten? KAMU NYADAR NGGAK E KALAU MASIH BANYAK COWOK YANG LEBIH BAGUS DARI DIA?! NGAPAIN NERIMA WAKTU DIA NGAJAK BALIKAN KALAU KAYAK GITU?!'
which is mustahil saya lakukan *sigh*
aduh, labilnya dikau nak...
P.S. semakin curiga kalau si cowok pake pelet.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
2nd semester
i realized as my chemistry teacher asked my class to buy the second semester's book that i'd left the first semester behind.
i haven't finished adapting, for real. but at least i've tried... don't know whether it succeed or not. in my opinion, half yes half not.
oh and i've found my other interest besides some i've had before. language(s) are my territory now.
i haven't finished adapting, for real. but at least i've tried... don't know whether it succeed or not. in my opinion, half yes half not.
oh and i've found my other interest besides some i've had before. language(s) are my territory now.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
next saturday
it means, the 29th of October.
the first semester's report book distribution, means i will know about my score for my super-first semester here.
will the scores also be super too? dunno.
i might not be the winner. no more.
the first semester's report book distribution, means i will know about my score for my super-first semester here.
will the scores also be super too? dunno.
i might not be the winner. no more.
Monday, October 10, 2011
i'd tried to keep it up inside my self, told my brain that it's not a big deal and smiled... but it hurts a lot.
it's okay if they only do that once, but not that often.
what's so wrong about being different from them? not having the same taste with them? is it a big deal? about studies and also about exams, is it wrong if i'd prepared it before and do it without telling them? is it wrong if i sometimes speak in a language they don't know? do they have to care if i don't share the same interest with them?
i know that they're only joking. but it's too much and i'm already sick of it. not funny at all.
dry laughs are dry laughs.
i don't ever think that they're my REAL friends.
it's okay if they only do that once, but not that often.
what's so wrong about being different from them? not having the same taste with them? is it a big deal? about studies and also about exams, is it wrong if i'd prepared it before and do it without telling them? is it wrong if i sometimes speak in a language they don't know? do they have to care if i don't share the same interest with them?
i know that they're only joking. but it's too much and i'm already sick of it. not funny at all.
dry laughs are dry laughs.
i don't ever think that they're my REAL friends.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
because nobody could always be the winner. included me.
Sometimes hit, sometimes miss, it's always like that
Just do it right tomorrow, it's just a small mistake
Sometimes bottom, sometimes top, sometimes number 1
Getting 1st place, you can only go down
Without it, just live without it
It's just greed you have before you win it
Your suffering now is a sign of your hard work
Everybody knows you tried, everybody knows it's alright
(U-KISS -- Someday)

Just do it right tomorrow, it's just a small mistake
Sometimes bottom, sometimes top, sometimes number 1
Getting 1st place, you can only go down
Without it, just live without it
It's just greed you have before you win it
Your suffering now is a sign of your hard work
Everybody knows you tried, everybody knows it's alright
(U-KISS -- Someday)
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Saturday, October 1, 2011
hello october, and also hello end-of-my-first-semester
YEAH. this is october, everyoneeee!!!! happy new month!
it's saturday. and it's the first day of some schools' regular mid-term exam. i didn't have one today and the following days, but yeah i'll have the end-of-semester exam in the next two weeks --or you could say, starting from the 10th of october 'till the 17th of October. cool rite? *faints
anyway, for all of my friends who's going to have their exams, GOOD LUCK!!!! hope the best for all of you! :D
P.S. right nowit's SNSD! oh i mean, right now i'm being a bit crazy over BEG's Sixth Sense. just can't get Narsha's voice out of my mind for real-_- anyway, for those who have any other song suggestion, could you tell me please? ;)
it's saturday. and it's the first day of some schools' regular mid-term exam. i didn't have one today and the following days, but yeah i'll have the end-of-semester exam in the next two weeks --or you could say, starting from the 10th of october 'till the 17th of October. cool rite? *faints
anyway, for all of my friends who's going to have their exams, GOOD LUCK!!!! hope the best for all of you! :D
P.S. right now
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
a bit
sometimes i thanked God for not making my life as complicated as some people i know
at least, i have so-much-more little problems than them. i think. and now.
i do have problems, but mine is not that hard to think. and i do thank God for it.
at least, i have so-much-more little problems than them. i think. and now.
i do have problems, but mine is not that hard to think. and i do thank God for it.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
nowadays i do feel that i'm being left behind by... by... them. am i the one who is too busy to know the condition or what? or maybe they've forgotten about me? it seems like they're still getting on with each other well, maintaining a good communication... and it looks like i'm the only one who is getting further away from them.
well, since we're not that close in those past days...
Friday, August 26, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
hello world, this is a report
so, hello.
been a while since my last post, rite? well, not really a while --it's a week ago, if i'm not mistaken.
nowadays i'm feeling what do you call a-busy-high-school-ers life. not that busy, but to me (who is used to be a laid-back person back then on my JHS times) it's SUPER-BUSY.
homeworks, exams (logarithms! and also sociology -_-), acceleration programs' regular event (syawalan, and about the preparation... it's not done yet -_-) also some other extra-curricular tasks.
yeah, this is what life means ._. i think. drowned inside business and have no time to taking care of other things. holidays are exception, anyway.
knowing this, i think it would be a rare chance to catch me up here, since i tend to write my fics than updating my posts more. so i'm into wordpress now, sorry :p
well, catch ya later. bye!
P.S. still feeling unsatisfied about the magazine extra-curricular. didn't pass the tests -_-
been a while since my last post, rite? well, not really a while --it's a week ago, if i'm not mistaken.
nowadays i'm feeling what do you call a-busy-high-school-ers life. not that busy, but to me (who is used to be a laid-back person back then on my JHS times) it's SUPER-BUSY.
homeworks, exams (logarithms! and also sociology -_-), acceleration programs' regular event (syawalan, and about the preparation... it's not done yet -_-) also some other extra-curricular tasks.
yeah, this is what life means ._. i think. drowned inside business and have no time to taking care of other things. holidays are exception, anyway.
knowing this, i think it would be a rare chance to catch me up here, since i tend to write my fics than updating my posts more. so i'm into wordpress now, sorry :p
well, catch ya later. bye!
P.S. still feeling unsatisfied about the magazine extra-curricular. didn't pass the tests -_-
Monday, August 8, 2011
gak cetho
ini sebenarnya cerpen buat tugas seleksi SIGMA (majalah sekolah) dan... oke, ini abal banget-_-
‘Have you ever felt the stinging pain when you missed your past times, friends, and things you’ve done before?’
Klik. Klik. Klik.
Sejak tadi yang terdengar hanya suara kletak-kletuk keyboard yang ditekan cepat dan keras-keras. Atau suara ketukan di touchpad, berpindah dari satu window ke window lainnya. Kebiasaan buruk: nyambi-nyambi waktu mengerjakan tugas, dan itu sudah terlanjur mendarah daging dan tertanam permanen di otakku. Mau bagaimana lagi?
Aku melirik jam di kanan bawah layar laptop. Sudah 2 jam berlalu sejak aku mulai mengerjakan tugas opini, dan aku baru menyelesaikan 1 halaman dari ketentuan 2 halaman. Kecepatan siput, aku tahu itu. Selain karena faktor tadi, juga karena kesalahanku –tidak sepenuhnya, kuanggap kesalaham sih—yang membuka entah berapa belas tab di window Google Chrome-ku. Facebook, Twitter, Wordpress, entah apa saja yang kubuka di sana. Dan sepertinya presentase konsentrasiku lebih banyak berpihak ke sana.
Sekali lagi, aku membuka tab Facebook. Ada beberapa notifikasi di sana, iseng-iseng aku membukanya. Yang satu dari grup SMA, satu lagi dari grup SMP, dan masih ada lagi yang dari grup kelas IX-ku dulu. Dengan wajah separo-tertarik-separo-malas aku mengarahkan pointer ke kumpulan notifikasi itu dan meng-klik pemberitahuan dari grup kelas IX. Komentar di kirimanku yang entah kapan kukirimkan ke sana.
‘ceman2... aku kangen 9B. bangeeeett T^T kangen ngedan bareng, kangen main pesawat2an, kangen ngerjain PR B.Jawa hari kamis pagi2 berjamaah, kangen dimarahin waktu pelajaran IPS, kangen disuruh nyanyi kalau gak bawa UUD, kangen semuanyaaaaaaa TT^TT’
‘main pesawat-pesawatan’? Itu demam yang mendera kelasku dulu setelah UN selesai. Entah siapa yang memulai, tahu-tahu pesawat-pesawat kertas itu sudah terbang bersliweran tak jelas di udara kelasku. Tak jarang kami kena tegur guru karena banyak ‘bangkai’ pesawat kertas yang bertebaran di lantai kelas, membuat kotor dan mengganggu pemandangan. Kalau sudah begitu, biasanya para ‘tersangka’ akan bertukar pandang dan nyengir innocent. Dasar.
‘ngerjain PR Bahasa Jawa hari Kamis pagi-pagi berjamaah’… ini semua terjadi karena guru Bahasa Jawa kami dulu punya kebiasaan memberi tugas seabrek yang harus dikumpulkan di pertemuan berikutnya. Boros kertas buku tulis dan tinta bolpoin, kalau menurutku. Karena tidak sanggup mengerjakan semuanya sendirian (boro-boro mengerjakan, mengerti maksud soalnya saja tidak) maka setiap ada pelajaran Bahasa Jawa kami akan mengerjakannya berjamaah. Hampir semua anak sengaja datang pagi-pagi sekali agar bisa meng-copy-paste pekerjaan anak lain. Maklum, Bahasa Jawa ada di jam pelajaran pertama. Mau tidak mau kami harus menyesuaikan, bukan? Daripada mendapat ‘anugerah’ nilai 0?
‘dimarahi waktu pelajaran IPS’ itu sebenarnya aib kelasku. Wali kelas kami adalah guru IPS itu sendiri, dan beliau benar-benar hobi menyuruh murid-muridnya membuat presentasi, rangkuman, peta dan sebagainya dengan waktu pengerjaan yang sedikit. Ditambah lagi kebanyakan anak kelas kami paling malas mengerjakan tugas-tugas semacam itu (aku juga), jadi kami sering kena marah. Tapi setelah kami lulus, entah kenapa aku jadi kangen dimarahi lagi. Hahaha.
‘disuruh nyanyi kalau nggak bawa UUD’ sudah bisa dipastikan ini ada waktu pelajaran apa. Tentu saja PKn, dan kalau kedapatan tidak membawa ‘buku keramat pelajaran PKn’ ini kami harus maju ke depan kelas dan menyanyikan lagu Satu Nusa Satu Bangsa. Sebenarnya banyak anak yang sering lupa membawa buku UUD 1945, tapi mereka tidak kehabisan akal. Tinggal pinjam ke kelas sebelah pun jadi. Licik sekali!
Oke, sudah cukup nostalgianya. Bisa-bisa nanti aku tidak jadi mengerjakan tugas, tapi malah konsentrasi ke penuh ke grup ini. Aku lalu berpindah ke tab berikutnya: grup SMP. Lebih ramai, jelas, karena anggotanya jauh lebih banyak daripada grup kelasku.
Aku membaca berita yang paling happening alias paling ramai. Ajakan buka bersama satu angkatan. Kalau ini… sepertinya hampir mustahil, iya kan?
Bosan di sana, aku kembali ke grup kelas 9-ku. Menuliskan sesuatu, menghapus, mengetik lagi, menghapus lagi, hingga akhirnya aku menekan tombol ‘bagikan’.
‘Kapan mau reuni?’
Pendek dan aku tidak yakin akan ada yang meresponnya. Tapi setidaknya, secara tidak langsung, aku sudah bilang kalau aku kangen mereka.
Akhirnya aku menutup window Google Chrome-ku lalu kembali ke Microsoft Word. Kuputuskan untuk membuat cerpen dulu daripada waktuku terbuang percuma karena stuck di opini. Hitung-hitung sedikit mengabaikan rasa nyeri yang mendadak menyerangku, baru saja.
People say we shouldn’t sit down and re-watch the past
People say memories make us stuck at our place and couldn’t move anymore
But the past are something we learn from,
And memories are something we need for our hard times in the future
The past and memories makes us do better in the future,
Shall we do some nostalgic-moment by our self, shouldn’t we?
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Monday, August 1, 2011
the teaser
actually i didn't expect anything from their teaser (after those teaser photos-_-) but when i saw the real (?) teaser this afternoon, i was like :O and... yeah... it's surprisingly surprising
Friday, July 15, 2011
just an opinion
1. you're a fan, but a fan isn't supposed to bash another idol who's close to your bias. who are you to him/her (your bias)?
2. it's OK to dislike another group, but could you please, keep your own hatred to yourself OR just say it when you're with your antis friends. don't say it on public places (ex twitter etc). even if you didn't intend to make fanwars, sometimes reading those so-like-tweets will make the-group-who-you-hate's fans get angry and they'll start a fanwar with your name mentioned as the provocateur.
but it's your private life anyway, i just don't like someone who over-bashes another group.
3. for some OTP-antis, could you please let the shippers have their own world and don't disturb them? it's annoying when you said something or joking about a pairing, and then someone else said negative comment about it. it's OK if it's only joking, but if you take it seriously i think some people outta there will bite you.
4. anyway, love life and professional life are two complete different worlds. idols are also humans and they also got the right to manage their own personal life
it's just an opinion, anyway.
2. it's OK to dislike another group, but could you please, keep your own hatred to yourself OR just say it when you're with your antis friends. don't say it on public places (ex twitter etc). even if you didn't intend to make fanwars, sometimes reading those so-like-tweets will make the-group-who-you-hate's fans get angry and they'll start a fanwar with your name mentioned as the provocateur.
but it's your private life anyway, i just don't like someone who over-bashes another group.
3. for some OTP-antis, could you please let the shippers have their own world and don't disturb them? it's annoying when you said something or joking about a pairing, and then someone else said negative comment about it. it's OK if it's only joking, but if you take it seriously i think some people outta there will bite you.
4. anyway, love life and professional life are two complete different worlds. idols are also humans and they also got the right to manage their own personal life
it's just an opinion, anyway.
the truth is...
I MISS THEM. not everyone, but... yes, some of them. it's not i'm uncomfortable with my new friends (well, sometimes, yes), but still, they're still my NEW friends and they don't know about me like my old school friends.
well, maybe i need some time to get used to the new atmosphere...
well, maybe i need some time to get used to the new atmosphere...
Sunday, July 10, 2011
i just can't say no to minstal anyway :3 see them being cute together always makes me say 'aaaawwwww' and sumthin' like that :D
Monday, July 4, 2011
holiday project
and this is my first (-_-) holiday project, a... err, just see by yourself:
P.S. that thing with white-like color is a banana, anyway =_=
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Friday, June 17, 2011
(again) randomness -- oh, picspam!
SO! hello guys~
this is Onew speaking... lol *slapped
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011
Something (un)important to be said
Random. Mungkin menyinggung satu orang tertentu. Nek wani, maju kene.
So it goes like this. Kemarin sabtu saya baca mention dari satu orang (sebut aja si D) di twitter *iyalah*. Saya lupa isinya tapi intinya gini:
"Si @aufavape udah dapet 37 to NEMnya? Kok masih sedih?"
Well. I didn't cry for no reason. Ada beberapa alasan yang pengen takbilangin ke orang itu (yang entah apa maksudnya ngemention, mau nyindir kok terang-terangan), tapi alasan lain *halah* bikin saya ngebatalin acara berargumen-ria (?)
First. Alasan kenapa saya nangis (yes I criedddd) bisa dibilang karena nilai saya yang nggak sesuai harapan. Terus juga karena saya ngerasa kemungkinan masuk padmanaba (SMA 3 Yogyakarta) mengecil, padahal dari SD kelas berapa gitu saya udah ngidam masuk sana =_____=
Second. Alasan kenapa saya nggak pengen ngebales mention dia itu karena saya nggak mau dibilang *pip* *pip* dan *pip* *opoh*
Intinya saya males cari masalah sama dia. Nggak elit aja gitu *sok abis* *kibas rambut*
Padahal aslinya saya udah pengen banget ngebentak itu orang langsung. Seriously, situ berani amat ya bangunin macan tidur? Orang galau disindir? Minta dibacok apa ya? Pas saya udah rada rileks setelah pengumuman, baca mention itu, jadi keinget lagi, galau lagi. Lah elah =_=
I was really moody back then.
Bukannya saya sombong, atau nganggep saya mestinya dapet seginilah, segitulah, seginilah. Bukannya saya nggak bersyukur sama nilai saya yang bisa dibilang lumayan. Tapi...
Looks likes this one matter is too difficult to be explained, anyway.
If, yup. If, kalau, jika, dll. Kalau selama periode sebulan nunggu UN kamu udah positif dapet nilai melampaui target (fyi target saya 38.00, realisasi 37.45), terus pas pengumuman jebul UADOH TENAN sama targetnya (oke lebay, nggak terlalu, tapi 5.5 di kancah perebutan kursi *dih* SMA tu akeh je), bakal gimana?
Kalau saya, saya ngedrop. I bursted into tears right after I heard that my score was far far far away from the target I've made. Galau tingkat dewa. Nangis sesenggukan bareng della (temen saya), sesama nilai jauh dari target *digampar*
Ini tragedi NEM UASBN kelas 6 keulang lagi.
Dan saya takut kalau tragedi PSB Online SMP keulang juga. Dulu saya kelempar pilihan 1-2 dan masuk pilihan 3. Miris? Emang. Nggak? Yaudah.
Mungkin bagi mereka saya lebay soalnya pake acara nangis, padahal dapet nilai lumayan.
Mungkin bagi mereka saya nggak bersyukur.
Mungkin bagi mereka saya sombong.
Mungkin bagi mereka saya kurang ajar (?)
Tapi saya punya alasan kenapa saya nangis. Itu trauma lho. Trauma. Ente tau trauma? Nggak tau? Tanya mbah google.
Soalnya kejadiannya beneran mirip sama yang dulu. Saya udah ngarep2 masuk SMP5 tapi NEM gak cukup. SMP8 NEM saya mepet, kelempar juga, masuk SMP1.
Walaupun in the end saya juga seneng kok sekolah di ZNC, kebacut pewe pula. Asik gitu.
Tapi kalau yang sekarang...jujur. Saya takut banget. NEM segitu, meski udah dikasih tambahan (jadi 37.85), kalau dilihat dari passing grade taun lalu kayaknya bakal tetap 'menggiriskan' gitu nasibnya. Passing grade SMA3 taun lalu 37.7, 37.85 udah masuk daftar halaman terakhir. Mingklik mingklik.
Mana tau kalau taun ini naik lagi? Nah lho?
So it goes like this. Kemarin sabtu saya baca mention dari satu orang (sebut aja si D) di twitter *iyalah*. Saya lupa isinya tapi intinya gini:
"Si @aufavape udah dapet 37 to NEMnya? Kok masih sedih?"
Well. I didn't cry for no reason. Ada beberapa alasan yang pengen takbilangin ke orang itu (yang entah apa maksudnya ngemention, mau nyindir kok terang-terangan), tapi alasan lain *halah* bikin saya ngebatalin acara berargumen-ria (?)
First. Alasan kenapa saya nangis (yes I criedddd) bisa dibilang karena nilai saya yang nggak sesuai harapan. Terus juga karena saya ngerasa kemungkinan masuk padmanaba (SMA 3 Yogyakarta) mengecil, padahal dari SD kelas berapa gitu saya udah ngidam masuk sana =_____=
Second. Alasan kenapa saya nggak pengen ngebales mention dia itu karena saya nggak mau dibilang *pip* *pip* dan *pip* *opoh*
Intinya saya males cari masalah sama dia. Nggak elit aja gitu *sok abis* *kibas rambut*
Padahal aslinya saya udah pengen banget ngebentak itu orang langsung. Seriously, situ berani amat ya bangunin macan tidur? Orang galau disindir? Minta dibacok apa ya? Pas saya udah rada rileks setelah pengumuman, baca mention itu, jadi keinget lagi, galau lagi. Lah elah =_=
I was really moody back then.
Bukannya saya sombong, atau nganggep saya mestinya dapet seginilah, segitulah, seginilah. Bukannya saya nggak bersyukur sama nilai saya yang bisa dibilang lumayan. Tapi...
Looks likes this one matter is too difficult to be explained, anyway.
If, yup. If, kalau, jika, dll. Kalau selama periode sebulan nunggu UN kamu udah positif dapet nilai melampaui target (fyi target saya 38.00, realisasi 37.45), terus pas pengumuman jebul UADOH TENAN sama targetnya (oke lebay, nggak terlalu, tapi 5.5 di kancah perebutan kursi *dih* SMA tu akeh je), bakal gimana?
Kalau saya, saya ngedrop. I bursted into tears right after I heard that my score was far far far away from the target I've made. Galau tingkat dewa. Nangis sesenggukan bareng della (temen saya), sesama nilai jauh dari target *digampar*
Ini tragedi NEM UASBN kelas 6 keulang lagi.
Dan saya takut kalau tragedi PSB Online SMP keulang juga. Dulu saya kelempar pilihan 1-2 dan masuk pilihan 3. Miris? Emang. Nggak? Yaudah.
Mungkin bagi mereka saya lebay soalnya pake acara nangis, padahal dapet nilai lumayan.
Mungkin bagi mereka saya nggak bersyukur.
Mungkin bagi mereka saya sombong.
Mungkin bagi mereka saya kurang ajar (?)
Tapi saya punya alasan kenapa saya nangis. Itu trauma lho. Trauma. Ente tau trauma? Nggak tau? Tanya mbah google.
Soalnya kejadiannya beneran mirip sama yang dulu. Saya udah ngarep2 masuk SMP5 tapi NEM gak cukup. SMP8 NEM saya mepet, kelempar juga, masuk SMP1.
Walaupun in the end saya juga seneng kok sekolah di ZNC, kebacut pewe pula. Asik gitu.
Tapi kalau yang sekarang...jujur. Saya takut banget. NEM segitu, meski udah dikasih tambahan (jadi 37.85), kalau dilihat dari passing grade taun lalu kayaknya bakal tetap 'menggiriskan' gitu nasibnya. Passing grade SMA3 taun lalu 37.7, 37.85 udah masuk daftar halaman terakhir. Mingklik mingklik.
Mana tau kalau taun ini naik lagi? Nah lho?
Monday, May 16, 2011
B2ST - Lights Go on Again
I prefer the full version to the teaser (?) version anyway .___.
Yes sir, lights go on again
Keep on and on and on, on and on and on
Gyesok hemaeettji gin eodum sogeseo
Nan han julgi bichi dahneun geugose dahgi wihaeseo
Nan ije shigani gappeun soom gadadeumgo
Neoheedeul ape dangdanghi seolge
Keep on and on and on, on and on and on
Gyesok hemaeettji gin eodum sogeseo
Nan han julgi bichi dahneun geugose dahgi wihaeseo
Nan ije shigani gappeun soom gadadeumgo
Neoheedeul ape dangdanghi seolge
Amuri himdeureodo jichyeoseo sseureojyeodo
Nareul dashi bichwojuneun bit
Nareul dashi bichwojuneun bit
Pogihago shipeodo domangchiryeogo haebwado
Nal hyanghae deo hwanhage nareul dashi bichwojuneun bit
Nal hyanghae deo hwanhage nareul dashi bichwojuneun bit
Jigeum buli gyeojimyeon dashi nareul balkhimyeon
Nae momeul dashi ireugyeo oh
Light go on again lights go on again
Nae momeul dashi ireugyeo oh
Light go on again lights go on again
Dashi bicheul bichumyeon dashi nareul ggaeumyeon
Nae maeumeul dashi umjikyeo oh
Lights go on again lights go on again
Nae maeumeul dashi umjikyeo oh
Lights go on again lights go on again
Oh lights go on again
Oh oh lights go on again yeah
Oh lights go on again
Oh oh lights go on again on again
Oh oh lights go on again yeah
Oh lights go on again
Oh oh lights go on again on again
I sigan ddohan jinagagettji da jinagagonamyeon useo neomgigettji
Momi jichineun geon mwo gwaenchanha naman himdeun ge anya heunhida geureohjanha
But, maeumo dachyeobeorigeona dadhyeobeorimyeon kamsang hal su eobtneun sangcheoreul badabeorimyeon
Geuddaen eoddeohke haeya hal ji nan molla
Dangshindeul ape dashi seol su eobseul jido molla
Momi jichineun geon mwo gwaenchanha naman himdeun ge anya heunhida geureohjanha
But, maeumo dachyeobeorigeona dadhyeobeorimyeon kamsang hal su eobtneun sangcheoreul badabeorimyeon
Geuddaen eoddeohke haeya hal ji nan molla
Dangshindeul ape dashi seol su eobseul jido molla
Neomuna himdeun naldo meomchwoittdeon shigando
Jichyeoman ganeun nareul deo
Jichyeoman ganeun nareul deo
Balkke bichwojubeun geon kkeut eobsi nareul hyanghae
Ganghage deo hwanhage dashi nareul bichwojuneun bit
Ganghage deo hwanhage dashi nareul bichwojuneun bit
Jigeum buli kyeojimyeon dashi nareul balkimyeon
Nae momeul dashi ireugyeo oh
Lights go on again lights go on again
Nae momeul dashi ireugyeo oh
Lights go on again lights go on again
Dashi bicheul bichumyeon dashi nareul kkaeumyeon
Nae maeumeul dashi umjikyeo oh
Lights go on again lights go on again
Nae maeumeul dashi umjikyeo oh
Lights go on again lights go on again
Oh lights go on again
Oh oh lights go on again yeah
Oh lights go on again
Oh oh lights go on again on again
Oh lights go on again
Oh oh lights go on again
Oh lights go on again
Oh oh lights go on again on again
Oh oh lights go on again yeah
Oh lights go on again
Oh oh lights go on again on again
Oh lights go on again
Oh oh lights go on again
Oh lights go on again
Oh oh lights go on again on again
Yes sir, lights go on again
Keep on and on and on, on and on and on
I continued to wonder in the midst of the long darkness
So that I can reach that spot that will touch the one string of light
Now that my time is here, I will take a short breath
And stand confindently in front of you all
Keep on and on and on, on and on and on
I continued to wonder in the midst of the long darkness
So that I can reach that spot that will touch the one string of light
Now that my time is here, I will take a short breath
And stand confindently in front of you all
No matter how hard it might be, even if I fall from being tired
The light that shines on me again
The light that shines on me again
Even if I want to give up, if I want to run away
The lights that shines brighter towards me
The lights that shines brighter towards me
When the lights turns on and it shines on me again
It makes me rise again oh
Lights go on again lights go on again
It makes me rise again oh
Lights go on again lights go on again
When the lights shine on me and it wakes me up once again
It moves my heart again oh
Lights go on again lights go on again
It moves my heart again oh
Lights go on again lights go on again
Oh lights go on again
Oh oh lights go on again yeah
Oh lights go on again
Oh oh lights go on again on again
Oh oh lights go on again yeah
Oh lights go on again
Oh oh lights go on again on again
This time will pass again and if it passes by again I will just laugh it off
It is okay even if my body is tired, I’m not the only one tired, it happens to everyone
But, if my heart is damaged or closed, or it is hurt by a scar it can’t handle
I don’t know what to do then
I might not be able to stand in front of all of you again.
It is okay even if my body is tired, I’m not the only one tired, it happens to everyone
But, if my heart is damaged or closed, or it is hurt by a scar it can’t handle
I don’t know what to do then
I might not be able to stand in front of all of you again.
Even in the hardest of the days and in the frozen time
You continue to brighten the light on my exhausted self
You continue to brighten the light on my exhausted self
Endlessly you continue shine
That light on me brighter and stronger
That light on me brighter and stronger
When the lights turns on and it shines on me again
It makes me rise again oh
Lights go on again lights go on again
It makes me rise again oh
Lights go on again lights go on again
When the lights shine on me and it wakes me up once again
It moves my heart again oh
Lights go on again lights go on again
It moves my heart again oh
Lights go on again lights go on again
Oh lights go on again
Oh oh lights go on again yeah
Oh lights go on again
Oh oh lights go on again on again
Oh oh lights go on again yeah
Oh lights go on again
Oh oh lights go on again on again
Oh lights go on again
Oh oh lights go on again
Oh lights go on again
Oh oh lights go on again on again
Oh oh lights go on again
Oh lights go on again
Oh oh lights go on again on again
Monday, May 9, 2011
Saya bosan
Sumpah. Setelah entah berapa hari pasca UNAS ini di rumah kerjaan saya cuma mantengin komputer atau galaxy sambil berusaha menuh menuhin harddisk (baca: download) dengan koneksi internet yang mlempem.
Mungkin kalau internetnya cepetan dikit bakal lebih penak, right?
Selain ngenet seharian, ngabisin oreo sama chiki, guling-guling di kasur sambil berantakin kamar sendiri, atau bolak-balik naik turun tangga buat ngecek modem wi-fi, saya kadang ke sekolah juga. Iseng sih, daripada bengong di rumah gitu ._. Selain itu disuruh jadi tutor gadungan buat anak KMS juga. Lumayanlah ==
Emang sih besok mau ke Pandawa, tapi tetep aja saya bosan
Bosen. Bosen. Bosen.
Ini baru 2 hari, gimana 2 bulan?
Sumpah. Setelah entah berapa hari pasca UNAS ini di rumah kerjaan saya cuma mantengin komputer atau galaxy sambil berusaha menuh menuhin harddisk (baca: download) dengan koneksi internet yang mlempem.
Mungkin kalau internetnya cepetan dikit bakal lebih penak, right?
Selain ngenet seharian, ngabisin oreo sama chiki, guling-guling di kasur sambil berantakin kamar sendiri, atau bolak-balik naik turun tangga buat ngecek modem wi-fi, saya kadang ke sekolah juga. Iseng sih, daripada bengong di rumah gitu ._. Selain itu disuruh jadi tutor gadungan buat anak KMS juga. Lumayanlah ==
Emang sih besok mau ke Pandawa, tapi tetep aja saya bosan
Bosen. Bosen. Bosen.
Ini baru 2 hari, gimana 2 bulan?
Friday, April 29, 2011
back to the line
And now when the final examination had finished, let's clap our hand in unison for the break free, folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since it's already finished, now I got my galaxy tab back. Wooohooooo how I miss you, my white PC tablet :*
But still we have to pray. For the score that still have some weeks to be anounced. Hope I'll get nice scores ._.
Allright! So from now on I'll just go celebrating~ back to my own fangirl-otaku-netgoer self!!!!
But... One thing still is disturbing my mind. How will I spend two months of free-from-lessons days?
Since it's already finished, now I got my galaxy tab back. Wooohooooo how I miss you, my white PC tablet :*
But still we have to pray. For the score that still have some weeks to be anounced. Hope I'll get nice scores ._.
Allright! So from now on I'll just go celebrating~ back to my own fangirl-otaku-netgoer self!!!!
But... One thing still is disturbing my mind. How will I spend two months of free-from-lessons days?
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
f(x)'s comeback!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yak, kembali lagi setelah berminggu-minggu nggak posting. dan hari ini saya cuma mau ngepost satu hal (bisa diliat di judul wkwkwkw) iyep benar sekaliiiiii comebacknya f(x)!!
ini 1st album mereka, single-nya 피노키오 - Pinocchio/Danger. MV-nya rilis kemarin tanggal 19 April 2011, kalau lagunya rilis online mulai 18 April 2011. comeback stage-nya (katanya) 22 April besok, kayaknya sih Music Bank yegak yegak?
ini teasernya
terus yang ini MVnyaaa
oh and also welcome back to amber :3
salam nan jigeum dangerrrrrr!!!!!
ini 1st album mereka, single-nya 피노키오 - Pinocchio/Danger. MV-nya rilis kemarin tanggal 19 April 2011, kalau lagunya rilis online mulai 18 April 2011. comeback stage-nya (katanya) 22 April besok, kayaknya sih Music Bank yegak yegak?
ini teasernya
terus yang ini MVnyaaa
oh and also welcome back to amber :3
salam nan jigeum dangerrrrrr!!!!!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Fanfic Blog
so... yes. i've decided to move all of my fanfic posts to my wordpress and livejournal. so feel free to click the links and read (if you want to, please comment too. tee-hee)
okay, and that's allNGGAK PENTING LU FA
now i'm gonna back to my hiatus. bye all~!
okay, and that's all
now i'm gonna back to my hiatus. bye all~!
Friday, March 25, 2011
deep sigh
when they said that i'm pretending like i don't care,
actually i do pretending
i'm having some troubles with my mind,
and maybe this one problem will never --yes, never-- be fixed out
i'm acting like i'm okay, but i AM NOT okay
it's just that i don't wanna make them worried
(but who cares about me?)
or maybe make the 'oh-this-person-is-so-annoying' face
i said that i've used to the situation, but actually it isn't
i'm having my hard time by myself and have nobody to share it with
(but who wants to have someone else's hard times?)
i tried to be the usual me, but just failed and failed again
and i'm getting confused in each seconds | i've tried to escape but failed | i've tried to stop it but it always runs away | and i only could handle a little --yes, a little- of this heart-breaking situation, that kills me slowly
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
this is one (random) thing that i made some times ago... (nggak tau pas itu kesurupan apaan nyampe bisa bikin ginian) and (un)fortunately THEA nyuruh ini dimasukin ke buktah, nggak tau deh jadi apa kagak. so here goes...
Years of Us
(oke. ini cuma ketambahan 's' dari judul lagunya SHINee yang Y.O.U... tapi saya gak plagiat. suer)
One, two, three
Stop the count and let’s see
We’ve gone through these 3 years of us
“Do you know this boy?”, “Do you know this girl?”
I bet you’ll say “I know,”, ‘ cause we’ve been together for almost 3 years
Stop the count and let’s see
We’ve gone through these 3 years of us
“Do you know this boy?”, “Do you know this girl?”
I bet you’ll say “I know,”, ‘ cause we’ve been together for almost 3 years
We shared our memories
We exchanged our stories
We have one, two, three great years as one family
How many days are that?
Hundreds? I never count it before
Because what do I know is that I have spent much time with all of you
We exchanged our stories
We have one, two, three great years as one family
How many days are that?
Hundreds? I never count it before
Because what do I know is that I have spent much time with all of you
Now, when our time has come
When we have to bid our farewell
Let me tell you, just this one, simple thing
To not forget about out memories
To keep the tight friendship between us
‘cause the 3 years of us will last forever, hopefully, in our mind
When we have to bid our farewell
Let me tell you, just this one, simple thing
To not forget about out memories
To keep the tight friendship between us
‘cause the 3 years of us will last forever, hopefully, in our mind
gak bentuk abis =______= atau emang saya yang kagak ngarti? ah sebodo ==
Friday, March 18, 2011
CN Blue - Teardrops in the Rain
anyway i found (?) this song when i read a fanfic. then i downloaded it and try to listen to it. woohoo i love the lyric!
oh and also this is the original lyric of the song, not the translated one (i think)
No one ever sees, no one feels the pain
Teadrops in the rain
I wish upon a star, I wonder where you are
I wish you're coming back to me again
And everything's the same like it used to be
I see the days go by and still I wonder why
I wonder why it has to be this way
Why can't I have you here just like it used to be
I don't know which way to choose
How can I find a way to go on ?
I don't know if I can go on without you oh
Even if my heart's still beating just for you
I really know you are not feeling like I do
And even if the sun is shining over me
How come I still freeze ?
No one ever sees, no one feels the pain
I shed teardrops in the rain
I wish that I could fly, I wonder what you say
I wish you're flying back to me again
Hope everything's the same like it used to be
I don't know which way to choose
How can I find a way to go on
I don't know if I can go on without you, without you
Even if my heart's still beating just for you
I really know you are not feeling like I do
And even if the sun is shining over me
How come I still freeze ?
No one ever sees, no one feels the pain
I shed teardrops in the rain
Oh... I shed teardrops in the rain
Oh... Hey... Teardrops in the rain
Even if my heart's still beating just for you
I really know you are not feeling like I do
And even if the sun is shining over me
How come I still freeze ?
No one ever sees (no one) no one feels the pain (no one)
I shed teardrops in the rain
Teardrops in the rain
Teardrops in the rain
Teardrops in the rain...
oh and also this is the original lyric of the song, not the translated one (i think)
No one ever sees, no one feels the pain
Teadrops in the rain
I wish upon a star, I wonder where you are
I wish you're coming back to me again
And everything's the same like it used to be
I see the days go by and still I wonder why
I wonder why it has to be this way
Why can't I have you here just like it used to be
I don't know which way to choose
How can I find a way to go on ?
I don't know if I can go on without you oh
Even if my heart's still beating just for you
I really know you are not feeling like I do
And even if the sun is shining over me
How come I still freeze ?
No one ever sees, no one feels the pain
I shed teardrops in the rain
I wish that I could fly, I wonder what you say
I wish you're flying back to me again
Hope everything's the same like it used to be
I don't know which way to choose
How can I find a way to go on
I don't know if I can go on without you, without you
Even if my heart's still beating just for you
I really know you are not feeling like I do
And even if the sun is shining over me
How come I still freeze ?
No one ever sees, no one feels the pain
I shed teardrops in the rain
Oh... I shed teardrops in the rain
Oh... Hey... Teardrops in the rain
Even if my heart's still beating just for you
I really know you are not feeling like I do
And even if the sun is shining over me
How come I still freeze ?
No one ever sees (no one) no one feels the pain (no one)
I shed teardrops in the rain
Teardrops in the rain
Teardrops in the rain
Teardrops in the rain...
Sunday, March 13, 2011
keep your head down
bukan. bukan lagunya TVXQ. nyante
mengingat besok TPM propinsi... dan bisa dibilang kalau after that test we won't have another pre-exam test except those try-outs from some high schools, dan lagi kalau diitung-itung NEM saya di TPM-TPM sebelumnya masih dibawah target so...
wish me luck for this last pre-test. karena ini yang terakhir, artinya buat besok-besok gak ada latihan lagi (apalagi aku nggak daftar TO manapun ---- kemalasan mendarah daging) kecuali latihan sendiri pakai buku soal-soal di rumah
and I wish the score will be better than before. emang sih dari TPM yang 1 sama 2 TPM ketiga kemarin itu bisa dibilang naik, tapi NEM segitu mau masuk mana coba kalau standar nilainya masih kayak tahun lalu?
and also some comments from the seniors, emang agak pedes (nggak, pedes banget) tapi saya yakin kalau itu juga buat kebaikan kita si adek-adek kelas mereka. what i saw last week is that banyak (banget) yang kesulut -- tapi sayangnya bukan kesulut mau belajar tapi malah kesulut emosinya. jadi yasudah... 'cause we see the comments from different perspectives, but i caught it as a positive (biarpun agak nyelekit) one.
dan lagi banyak benernya kok. ambil sisi positifnya aja
saya bener-bener berdoa TPM kali ini nilai bisa naik. naik semaksimal mungkin dan bertahan terus nyampe UNAS besok. tapi kalau ternyata TPM besok itu nilai naik dikit, tetep, atau malah turun, maybe i'll wish for a miracle from God, jadi pas UNAS NEM-nya 38 atau sekalian 39...
the same prayer with the other 9th-grader, right?
dan memohon pun nggak dosa. malah disuruh
(maaf kalau judul jadi nggak nyambung sama isi. biasa, random)
mengingat besok TPM propinsi... dan bisa dibilang kalau after that test we won't have another pre-exam test except those try-outs from some high schools, dan lagi kalau diitung-itung NEM saya di TPM-TPM sebelumnya masih dibawah target so...
wish me luck for this last pre-test. karena ini yang terakhir, artinya buat besok-besok gak ada latihan lagi (apalagi aku nggak daftar TO manapun ---- kemalasan mendarah daging) kecuali latihan sendiri pakai buku soal-soal di rumah
and I wish the score will be better than before. emang sih dari TPM yang 1 sama 2 TPM ketiga kemarin itu bisa dibilang naik, tapi NEM segitu mau masuk mana coba kalau standar nilainya masih kayak tahun lalu?
and also some comments from the seniors, emang agak pedes (nggak, pedes banget) tapi saya yakin kalau itu juga buat kebaikan kita si adek-adek kelas mereka. what i saw last week is that banyak (banget) yang kesulut -- tapi sayangnya bukan kesulut mau belajar tapi malah kesulut emosinya. jadi yasudah... 'cause we see the comments from different perspectives, but i caught it as a positive (biarpun agak nyelekit) one.
dan lagi banyak benernya kok. ambil sisi positifnya aja
saya bener-bener berdoa TPM kali ini nilai bisa naik. naik semaksimal mungkin dan bertahan terus nyampe UNAS besok. tapi kalau ternyata TPM besok itu nilai naik dikit, tetep, atau malah turun, maybe i'll wish for a miracle from God, jadi pas UNAS NEM-nya 38 atau sekalian 39...
the same prayer with the other 9th-grader, right?
dan memohon pun nggak dosa. malah disuruh
(maaf kalau judul jadi nggak nyambung sama isi. biasa, random)
Saturday, March 12, 2011
back back and back
HELLA FELLAAAAAASSSSSSSSSS *bricked* okay, i'm back. udah berapa juta taun ane gak ngeblog? *=__=*
so i'm back. from the pre-exam tests. and from the mid-term test ---- ohmygosh and next week we'll had (again) THE PRE-EXAM TEST! jadi sekarang kepala gue berasap kayak gunung merapi, kayak habis kena tsunami dan diguncang gempa (kebawa berita jepang). semoga si otak masih tahan bersarang di kepala... at least for 2 months more. habis itu njebluk
anyway, we have one sad news (yang telat). dan kayaknya juga dah banyak yang tau. about HAPENYA FARA. yang jatuh di jalan. yang ilang. cerita lengkapnya bisa dibaca disini... dan saya mengucapkan turut berduka cita atas hilangnya si hape. ah nggak asik nggak bisa ngebajak twitnya dia lagi deh. sialan *DIGAMPAR*. oke cukup sedih-sedihnya. semoga arwah si gemini putih diterima di sisi-Nya amin amin amin
dan kayaknya janji hiatusku batal ya .___________. ah sudahlah. at least i've tried it, biar cuma tahan 2 minggu B)
so i'm back. from the pre-exam tests. and from the mid-term test ---- ohmygosh and next week we'll had (again) THE PRE-EXAM TEST! jadi sekarang kepala gue berasap kayak gunung merapi, kayak habis kena tsunami dan diguncang gempa (kebawa berita jepang). semoga si otak masih tahan bersarang di kepala... at least for 2 months more. habis itu njebluk
anyway, we have one sad news (yang telat). dan kayaknya juga dah banyak yang tau. about HAPENYA FARA. yang jatuh di jalan. yang ilang. cerita lengkapnya bisa dibaca disini... dan saya mengucapkan turut berduka cita atas hilangnya si hape. ah nggak asik nggak bisa ngebajak twitnya dia lagi deh. sialan *DIGAMPAR*. oke cukup sedih-sedihnya. semoga arwah si gemini putih diterima di sisi-Nya amin amin amin
dan kayaknya janji hiatusku batal ya .___________. ah sudahlah. at least i've tried it, biar cuma tahan 2 minggu B)
Monday, February 28, 2011
so... a small announcement?
so today i've made up my mind (buset bahasanya). maybe in some near times i'll go hiatus from this blog. considering that my final exam is coming nearer (and after take a look at my pre-exam test score that, geez, sucks), and i have to prepare for it so, yes, BLAH. maybe just in a short 1-2-3 months and i'll be back to the line, with a new netbook (AMIN AMIN AMIN). oh and maybe with a bunch of brand new fanfics. *sniff* and it's going to be the same with my livejournal account =____=
anyway, i've got an IT task that have to be done: make a blog. since i've had this blog, maybe i'll just add some useful (?) topics (sakjane juga gak useful-useful banget lah). so anybody have any idea for those topics? TELL MEEEEHHHH <-- desperately desperate NOPE. I've made one new blog for this task, feel free to visit it here
AND YES, CHECK THIS OUT! i (literally) ROFL-ing when watched this. at first my 'lil bro and sis told me to download this video for them, so yes i downloaded it. this is SM*SH's song's parody LOL LOL LOL (fyi i don't like them but i don't hate them either, since i like k-pop more than indonesian pop. and this one's just for fun~)
okay. so i think that's all, just a small (dan gak penting) announcement. bye fellas~
AND YES, CHECK THIS OUT! i (literally) ROFL-ing when watched this. at first my 'lil bro and sis told me to download this video for them, so yes i downloaded it. this is SM*SH's song's parody LOL LOL LOL (fyi i don't like them but i don't hate them either, since i like k-pop more than indonesian pop. and this one's just for fun~)
okay. so i think that's all, just a small (dan gak penting) announcement. bye fellas~
Saturday, February 26, 2011
tpm... dan sedikit orek2an tambahan
nooooo besok senin udah tpm lagi. brainstorming lagi (berasa ngulang posting yang dulu --")
jadi ini (ceritanya) tpm tingkat kota terakhir. terus jadi 4 hari dah ujiannya (kan biasanya cuma 2 hari) *sumpah gaknyambung* pokoknya intinya setelah tpm yang besok itu, minggu depannya kita mid semester. gila aja luuuuuu pak, buuuu kapan kita istirahat? *menggeh-menggeh*
padahal seingetku waktu angkatan sebelum angkatanku (010) itu kagak pake mid sodara2, jadi langsung capcus unas, uas, ujian praktek. terus kosooooonnnngggg. sistemnya sih pake acara diubah -_-"
oh oke sudah cukup meratapi nasib tpm-mid-tpm-unas ini. kabar baiknya deh ya, PO-an saya dateeeeng xD xD gila udah nunggu 3 minggu nih. tapi gak segalau pas nunggu lucifer dulu itu, udah kebiasaan sama yang namanya PO sih *gila sok abis gue*
well cukuplah mbacotnya. byeeee~
P.S entah kenapa thanks to nya minho selalu yang paling panjang. serem gue bayangin besok di album ketiga thanks to nya dia mau sebanyak apa -_-
P.P.S dan lagi, kayaknya jaman dulu mereka gak kenal photocard -_-"
jadi ini (ceritanya) tpm tingkat kota terakhir. terus jadi 4 hari dah ujiannya (kan biasanya cuma 2 hari) *sumpah gaknyambung* pokoknya intinya setelah tpm yang besok itu, minggu depannya kita mid semester. gila aja luuuuuu pak, buuuu kapan kita istirahat? *menggeh-menggeh*
padahal seingetku waktu angkatan sebelum angkatanku (010) itu kagak pake mid sodara2, jadi langsung capcus unas, uas, ujian praktek. terus kosooooonnnngggg. sistemnya sih pake acara diubah -_-"
oh oke sudah cukup meratapi nasib tpm-mid-tpm-unas ini. kabar baiknya deh ya, PO-an saya dateeeeng xD xD gila udah nunggu 3 minggu nih. tapi gak segalau pas nunggu lucifer dulu itu, udah kebiasaan sama yang namanya PO sih *gila sok abis gue*
well cukuplah mbacotnya. byeeee~
P.S entah kenapa thanks to nya minho selalu yang paling panjang. serem gue bayangin besok di album ketiga thanks to nya dia mau sebanyak apa -_-
P.P.S dan lagi, kayaknya jaman dulu mereka gak kenal photocard -_-"
Monday, February 21, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
saya abis dari blognya si fara nih. ngakak baca ceritanya tentang kejadian kamis minggu lalu yang migrasi besar-besaran itu
kayaknya emang blognya si fara perlu dimasukin buktah, kalau perlu dibukuin
oiya, 2 hari ini ada tpm kota (lagi) yang artinya brainstorming tingkat dewa (lagi). padahal tpm 1 baru kapan juga ini udah ada lagi. emang kejem ya -_-" so wish me luck guuuuyysss (and i'll wish u luck back <--- maksa) oh oh and btw, SJM mau rilis album. nih teaser MVnya:
leadernya jadi siwon. yah gak asik. hangeng balik dungs *maunya
kayaknya emang blognya si fara perlu dimasukin buktah, kalau perlu dibukuin
oiya, 2 hari ini ada tpm kota (lagi) yang artinya brainstorming tingkat dewa (lagi). padahal tpm 1 baru kapan juga ini udah ada lagi. emang kejem ya -_-" so wish me luck guuuuyysss (and i'll wish u luck back <--- maksa) oh oh and btw, SJM mau rilis album. nih teaser MVnya:
leadernya jadi siwon. yah gak asik. hangeng balik dungs *maunya
Friday, February 11, 2011
random ._.
so yes, just finished travelling-around from some blogs i followed. seriously, school is so-damn-boring right now (and not to forget that there's the second pre-national exam test next week =_= test? again?)
okeee stop nyampah and i think that's all. as i said before, just a random post here ._.
but really. instead of studying i just... having a date with my computer (?-_-) okay. just downloading some vids (some are my friends' requests) and then watch it
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Insiden HP
started at break time. waktu itu si fara dengan ringannya jalan ke kantin sambil NINGGAL HP DI KELAS. padahal harusnya dia tau itu bahaya karena:
- bisa dicolong (klasik)
- kalau gak disembunyiin (biasa)
- dibaca SMSnya (rapopo sih)
- berhubung HPnya BB yang always stay connected to the network, ada kemungkinan account-accountnya dibajak LAGI (mungkin emang gak berkaca dari pengalaman)
aku: "thek bajak thek!"
thea: (ngeliatin, terus ambil HPnya fara) lho kok ditinggal e?
habis itu si theanya malah kayak pasang evilsmirk gitu. dia kabur ke belakang sambil bawa itu HP. saya yang penasaran terus ngikutin aja gitu
aku: "ngapain lu? jangan dibajak!" *lho tadi ketoke nyuruh?*
thea: "ora kok! aku cuma mau liat SMSnya dia sama mas *****"
aku: (mikir bentar) "OOOOOH CEMBURU LU THEK?"
thea: "NGGAK YOOO!"
akhirnya saya ninggalin si theak with her own business terus ke tempatku lagi. dan beberapa menit kemudian si farahajar masuk. seperti biasa pakai acara gak nyadar dulu sama keadaan HPnya yang entah dimana, baru heboh
fara: "eh hpku mana ya? tadi kayaknya kan tak taruh sini to?"
riri: "lho? coba dicari lagi!"
aku: (bisikin theak) "mbok taruh mana?"
thea: (nunjuk bangku belakang) "ssst meneng wae fa. haha"
setelah heboh si fara akhirnya balik ke kantin (kemakan kata kataku: 'paling keri ning kantin'), mana pakai acara tanya ibu-ibunya yang jual. aku-thea-riri ngakak di kelas sambil nunggu itu anak 1 balik. and finally, fara balik ke kelas dengan wajah superpanik terus ngubek-ubek tas lagi
fara: "thek mana to? kamu yang nyembunyiin to?" (nyekek theak)
thea: "nggak tau! kok aku lhoooo =___="
fara: "adfjhsgklals" (ngomel panjang kali lebar. maap lupa isine)
dan habis itu beberapa menit kemudian si theak akhirnya ngaku terus nunjukin tempat hapenya fara. gak asik lu thek *dihajar*
insiden kedua terjadi beberapa menit berikutnya. kalau yang ini gantian hpnya theak yang ilang, 2 kali pula. kejadiannya hampir sama kayak si fara cuma bedanya kalau theak perginya ke ruang ganti dan bareng fara. entah kenapa 2 orang itu punya kebiasaan ninggal HP di atas meja .___.
dinda yang liat hpnya thea langsung ngambil itu HP (awalnya ane gak tau). terus beberapa menit kemudian farthek balik dan thea langsung nyari HPnya (mau sms mas tomat kali). karena gak ketemu akhirnyaaaa dia heboh dan si fara malah nyukurke, katanya karma garagara theak tadi nyembunyiin HPnya. ujung ujungnya theak malah nuduh aku =___________=
habis drama beberapa menit akhirnya dinda balikin itu HP (tapi ditaruh di bawah LKS. meja itu orang 2 emang berantakan penuh buku). terus theanya nemuin hpnya dan tanya tanya siapa yang nyembunyiin. and the drama started again!
yang kedua kalinya, hpnya dibawa faradiba tapi aku gak ngerti ceritanya piye ._.
ah gak mutu ah udah ah. gak bakat ane nulis beginian ==
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
(ceritanya) musikalisasi puisi
musikalisasi puisi = tugas bahasa indonesia paling gak jelas (tapi seru). ini tugas aslinya udah dikasih dari kapan tau tapi anak 9b yang emang butuh waktu untuk menghasilkan kreatifitas tingkat tinggi kesed-kesed baru mulai minggu lalu
aslinya, penilaiannya hari jum'at sama sabtu. tapi berhubung jum'atnya masih dipakai anak 9c, akhirnya hari sabtu tok. dan parahnyaaaa, jam terakhir hari sabtu itu pkk = mbatik!
bisa dibayangkan kita musikalisasi puisi dengan tangan belepotan malam:
*jreng jreng jreng genjreng* "wuaduh tanganku kelet nang gitare! sori yo!" ----- dihabisi yang punya gitar
eh coba kejadian. seru pasti
oke, back to the topic *biasa, pake ngelantur dulu*
yes kita emang maju hari itu. kelompok pertama yang maju itu kelompoknya si fauyan yang ngebawain puisi tentang mbah maridjan tapi pakai nada lagu 'Di Sayidan'. apik lho hahaha (padahal fauzan ngakunya belum latian)
then kelompok kedua itu kelompokku, puisinya sama sekali tidak bisa disebut puisi (?) pokoke nggak menunjukkan tanda-tanda puisi. udah pilihan katanya aneh aneh, nggak berima, nggak ada bagus-bagusnya pula. hiks. udah gitu dengan gak modalnya ngajak bram jadi gitaris colongan.derita lo deh kagak mbakat
terus kelompok selanjutnya kelompoknya keke kecil, masih nyolong bram jadi gitaris. lagunya tentang... eh sumpah lali aku haha ampuuuuunnn DX
kelompok keempat kelompoknya lia. kalau kelompok yang ini bawain puisi tentang sahabat kecil pakai nada 'Separuh Nafasku'. mereka juga agak modal (gitarisnya gak nyolong HAHA)
aslinya masih ada 2 kelompok lagi, kelompoknya bram sama fara hajar. pas itu berhubung aji gak dateng kelompoknya bram minta diundur, terus tanpa alasan jelas kelompoke fara ikut mundur juga. yaweslah ada sesi kedua besok jum'at ba'da jumatan
well, that's all~ maap random. kkkkkk~
p.s. pokoke nggak mau tau, fara cs harus maju pake lagu kematian itu! pokoke itu! *teriak pakai TOA masjid*
aslinya, penilaiannya hari jum'at sama sabtu. tapi berhubung jum'atnya masih dipakai anak 9c, akhirnya hari sabtu tok. dan parahnyaaaa, jam terakhir hari sabtu itu pkk = mbatik!
bisa dibayangkan kita musikalisasi puisi dengan tangan belepotan malam:
*jreng jreng jreng genjreng* "wuaduh tanganku kelet nang gitare! sori yo!" ----- dihabisi yang punya gitar
eh coba kejadian. seru pasti
oke, back to the topic *biasa, pake ngelantur dulu*
yes kita emang maju hari itu. kelompok pertama yang maju itu kelompoknya si fauyan yang ngebawain puisi tentang mbah maridjan tapi pakai nada lagu 'Di Sayidan'. apik lho hahaha (padahal fauzan ngakunya belum latian)
then kelompok kedua itu kelompokku, puisinya sama sekali tidak bisa disebut puisi (?) pokoke nggak menunjukkan tanda-tanda puisi. udah pilihan katanya aneh aneh, nggak berima, nggak ada bagus-bagusnya pula. hiks. udah gitu dengan gak modalnya ngajak bram jadi gitaris colongan.
terus kelompok selanjutnya kelompoknya keke kecil, masih nyolong bram jadi gitaris. lagunya tentang... eh sumpah lali aku haha ampuuuuunnn DX
kelompok keempat kelompoknya lia. kalau kelompok yang ini bawain puisi tentang sahabat kecil pakai nada 'Separuh Nafasku'. mereka juga agak modal (gitarisnya gak nyolong HAHA)
aslinya masih ada 2 kelompok lagi, kelompoknya bram sama fara hajar. pas itu berhubung aji gak dateng kelompoknya bram minta diundur, terus tanpa alasan jelas kelompoke fara ikut mundur juga. yaweslah ada sesi kedua besok jum'at ba'da jumatan
well, that's all~ maap random. kkkkkk~
p.s. pokoke nggak mau tau, fara cs harus maju pake lagu kematian itu! pokoke itu! *teriak pakai TOA masjid*
Saturday, January 15, 2011
another lyrics
cuma translation lirik Romeo + Juliette sama Romantic. soale baru kesurupan 2 makhluk lagu ini hehe xD
Romeo + Juliette
A painful love story
A love that chilled my heart
Leaving only my gasping breath
Getting further away, growing faint
(oh oh oh oh oh oh)
Girl meets boy
and begins a painful love
their unspeakable love becomes an echo
and love begins again
I loved her, I wanted her
I only saw her, so even though I hate this
My heart cries, wanting to express more
And another day passes in sadness
With only the memories of my love
I know being selfish about you is unnecessary
But now I feel a little confused
You who doesnt know is my boo
I only look at you
A love begins again
You don’t know me
or my love for you
A painful love begins again
I can’t control these feelings
that surge up when I see you
I hate the word goodbye
But I’m a fool that can’t even stop you
from leaving by saying ‘I love you’
I love you! I want to see you
(I still don’t understand)
I don’t know love, I don’t know heartbreak
I still don’t understand
But I know my heart wants you
Oh, my Girl! Oh, my Love!
(Baby, baby, baby, baby)
There is a cloud as pure as your eyes
Just knowing that we see it together is beautiful
The day when the clouds become rain
We can’t see it any longer
This unavoidable consequence
Really hits me at the bottom of my heart
Silently I think about you
I yell to myself ‘I like you’
The echo responds ‘No way’
Without you, my feelings are down
I still believe that you will return
I fell so deep in love
with such a girl like you
Don’t think of me as just a boy
I want to become a man
who can be your love
A love begins again
You don’t know me
or my love for you
A painful love begins again
I can’t control these feelings
that surge up when I see you
I hate the word goodbye
But I’m a fool that can’t even stop you
from leaving by saying ‘I love you’
I love you! I want to see you
Today I will say that I love you
I will make you love me
Our love began so difficultly
Even though you were waiting
I wasn’t able to hold onto you
But that old me is gone
A love begins again
You don’t know me
or my love for you
A painful love begins again
I can’t control these feelings
that surge up when I see you
I hate the word goodbye
But I’m a fool that can’t even stop you
from leaving by saying ‘I love you’
I love you! I want to see you
A love begins again, A love begins again
(A painful love story
A love that chilled my heart
Leaving only my gasping breath
Getting further away, growing faint)
That love begins again, that love begins again
(Girl meets boy
and begins a painful love
their unspeakable love becomes an echo
and love begins again)
I don’t want a goodbye, don’t want a goodbye
(Darling, there are more things I want to say
But knowing that it will never reach you
hurts my heart, hurts my heart, hurts my heart)
I don’t want a goodbye, don’t want a goodbye
(Darling, stop worrying about
if I will come back to you
Get rid of this foolishness, erase it, okay?
P.S Finally,
If I could hear your voice just once..)
I, I love you
another note: entah kenapa begitu denger lagu ini langsung dimasukin ke playlist galau. padahal belum baca translationnyabiasa orang pinter emang kayak gitu *plak*
Yeah, my girl
I'm an idiot
Your unforgettable love,
The final tears
Are ripping away at my whole heart
It's ripping away,
(I'm Sorry) I'm so sorry
I thoughtlessly walk
Wherever my heart takes me
It seems I am looking for
Those that look similar to you
I'm still standing at the same place
It almost seems like you just tapped my sagging shoulders
And hid from my sight
Why are you not there? can I not see you?
Are my eyes looking too far?
I trusted that I could love again
Still you stay, branded in my heart unmoving.
What do I do?
It can't not be you.
I am so miserable
That I realized this now
The pictures
Make it look like I am still your love
The heat of your body and your face
I can still feel it
Deep inside my heart
Still I have romantic in my heart
I want to go back.
So many days I had
Everything of you.
But why is it (baby why)
That now (tell me why)
That I can't find you?
I'm so frightened that
In the places where our memories are deeply embedded
That I may (I know) see you there with the perfect man.
I trusted that I would meet a love like you again
The pain of you branded in my heart is death
What do I do?
It can't not be you
I am so miserable
That I realized this now
The pictures
Make it look like I am still your love
The heat of your body and your face
I can still feel it
Deep inside my heart
Still I have romantic in my heart
I want to go back.
I guess I'm exhausted.
Left alone I wander,
Looking for the love left in the empty space where you were.
I'm begging you to look at me.
Look at the one so similar to you
This ordeal is too much for me
It so much worse than simply waiting
I became so similar to you that I copied even your habits
There is more of you inside me than myself
I wanna be, wanna be your man
Let's go back to the way things were
I want be reborn as a man that loves you
I won't hurt you ever again
Can I go? I wanna be... I won't let you,
Be your man
It can't not be you
I am so miserable
That I realized this now.
The pictures
Make it look like I am still your love.
The heat of your body and your face
I can still feel it
Deep inside my heart.
Still I have romantic in my heart
I want to go back.
It can't not be you
I am so miserable
That I realized this now.
(Your unforgettable love,
The final tears
Are ripping away at my chest
Leaving only scars that will never heal
Leaving me as my miserable self
I'm so distressed, what do I do?)
The heat of your body and your face
I can still feel it
Deep inside my heart.
Still I have romantic in my heart
I want to go back.
What do I do now?
another note (again): well this song is so-not-me, tapi yaudah emang nyantol gitu mau gimana lagi (?-_-)
yang penasaran ya silakan dengerin aslinya
setdah kenapa malah nyanyi?
anywaaay, annyeong!
Romeo + Juliette
A painful love story
A love that chilled my heart
Leaving only my gasping breath
Getting further away, growing faint
(oh oh oh oh oh oh)
Girl meets boy
and begins a painful love
their unspeakable love becomes an echo
and love begins again
I loved her, I wanted her
I only saw her, so even though I hate this
My heart cries, wanting to express more
And another day passes in sadness
With only the memories of my love
I know being selfish about you is unnecessary
But now I feel a little confused
You who doesnt know is my boo
I only look at you
A love begins again
You don’t know me
or my love for you
A painful love begins again
I can’t control these feelings
that surge up when I see you
I hate the word goodbye
But I’m a fool that can’t even stop you
from leaving by saying ‘I love you’
I love you! I want to see you
(I still don’t understand)
I don’t know love, I don’t know heartbreak
I still don’t understand
But I know my heart wants you
Oh, my Girl! Oh, my Love!
(Baby, baby, baby, baby)
There is a cloud as pure as your eyes
Just knowing that we see it together is beautiful
The day when the clouds become rain
We can’t see it any longer
This unavoidable consequence
Really hits me at the bottom of my heart
Silently I think about you
I yell to myself ‘I like you’
The echo responds ‘No way’
Without you, my feelings are down
I still believe that you will return
I fell so deep in love
with such a girl like you
Don’t think of me as just a boy
I want to become a man
who can be your love
A love begins again
You don’t know me
or my love for you
A painful love begins again
I can’t control these feelings
that surge up when I see you
I hate the word goodbye
But I’m a fool that can’t even stop you
from leaving by saying ‘I love you’
I love you! I want to see you
Today I will say that I love you
I will make you love me
Our love began so difficultly
Even though you were waiting
I wasn’t able to hold onto you
But that old me is gone
A love begins again
You don’t know me
or my love for you
A painful love begins again
I can’t control these feelings
that surge up when I see you
I hate the word goodbye
But I’m a fool that can’t even stop you
from leaving by saying ‘I love you’
I love you! I want to see you
A love begins again, A love begins again
(A painful love story
A love that chilled my heart
Leaving only my gasping breath
Getting further away, growing faint)
That love begins again, that love begins again
(Girl meets boy
and begins a painful love
their unspeakable love becomes an echo
and love begins again)
I don’t want a goodbye, don’t want a goodbye
(Darling, there are more things I want to say
But knowing that it will never reach you
hurts my heart, hurts my heart, hurts my heart)
I don’t want a goodbye, don’t want a goodbye
(Darling, stop worrying about
if I will come back to you
Get rid of this foolishness, erase it, okay?
P.S Finally,
If I could hear your voice just once..)
I, I love you
another note: entah kenapa begitu denger lagu ini langsung dimasukin ke playlist galau. padahal belum baca translationnya
Yeah, my girl
I'm an idiot
Your unforgettable love,
The final tears
Are ripping away at my whole heart
It's ripping away,
(I'm Sorry) I'm so sorry
I thoughtlessly walk
Wherever my heart takes me
It seems I am looking for
Those that look similar to you
I'm still standing at the same place
It almost seems like you just tapped my sagging shoulders
And hid from my sight
Why are you not there? can I not see you?
Are my eyes looking too far?
I trusted that I could love again
Still you stay, branded in my heart unmoving.
What do I do?
It can't not be you.
I am so miserable
That I realized this now
The pictures
Make it look like I am still your love
The heat of your body and your face
I can still feel it
Deep inside my heart
Still I have romantic in my heart
I want to go back.
So many days I had
Everything of you.
But why is it (baby why)
That now (tell me why)
That I can't find you?
I'm so frightened that
In the places where our memories are deeply embedded
That I may (I know) see you there with the perfect man.
I trusted that I would meet a love like you again
The pain of you branded in my heart is death
What do I do?
It can't not be you
I am so miserable
That I realized this now
The pictures
Make it look like I am still your love
The heat of your body and your face
I can still feel it
Deep inside my heart
Still I have romantic in my heart
I want to go back.
I guess I'm exhausted.
Left alone I wander,
Looking for the love left in the empty space where you were.
I'm begging you to look at me.
Look at the one so similar to you
This ordeal is too much for me
It so much worse than simply waiting
I became so similar to you that I copied even your habits
There is more of you inside me than myself
I wanna be, wanna be your man
Let's go back to the way things were
I want be reborn as a man that loves you
I won't hurt you ever again
Can I go? I wanna be... I won't let you,
Be your man
It can't not be you
I am so miserable
That I realized this now.
The pictures
Make it look like I am still your love.
The heat of your body and your face
I can still feel it
Deep inside my heart.
Still I have romantic in my heart
I want to go back.
It can't not be you
I am so miserable
That I realized this now.
(Your unforgettable love,
The final tears
Are ripping away at my chest
Leaving only scars that will never heal
Leaving me as my miserable self
I'm so distressed, what do I do?)
The heat of your body and your face
I can still feel it
Deep inside my heart.
Still I have romantic in my heart
I want to go back.
What do I do now?
another note (again): well this song is so-not-me, tapi yaudah emang nyantol gitu mau gimana lagi (?-_-)
yang penasaran ya silakan dengerin aslinya
oke. better stop typing these not-so-important things before my followers say:
"go away, e e e e e, go away, e e e e!"
anywaaay, annyeong!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
written randomly
sometimes i ask my friends to read my blog. they said they've read it, and they could barely understand the posts (or maybe totally not understand). some of them said, "you wrote too much korean things that i don't understand at all. why don't you write something else?"
well, when i write something in my blog i usually do it randomly. you see, just typing some words at first but ended with a super-long-post that maybe, at the ending, has a different topic with the beginning. just like this post
back to the topic. yes, my blog contains too much korean things. in fact it's a camuflage. well it is. a person who isn't interested in that won't read my posts, right? that's why i ALWAYS write things frontally in my fanfiction. and yes again, i posted them here
because i know that my friends (some who aren't interested in KPop things) won't read my fanfic posts, maybe they will if they're bored. but most of them won't read it, so, yeah, i think it's still safe to write it in a fanfic
well let's stop writing, have to do my biology paper now. bye
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Holiday? YES, HOLIDAY! Part 2
title: Holiday? YES, HOLIDAY! Part 2
genre: comedy
category: chapter
rate:NC (not comedy) maksudnya G
casts: semua makhluk SJ + SHINee
just enjoy and laugh at the humors you understand (i bet there aren't) so, yeah
still at SJ's dorm
setelah kepergian (?) ketiga makhluk urutan 2-3-4 itu, suasana dorm kembali ayem.
leeteuk sibuk mengecek jadwal mereka. kangin masih beberes dan mempersiapkan kebutuhan wamil-nya. shindong sibuk (ngerusuhin) leeteuk sambil sms-an sama nari, yang bikin si leader jeles pengen punya pacar juga
sungmin kebagian tugas piket hari ini, harusnya bareng yesung juga (dicurigai yesung sengaja kabur biar gak usah piket). alhasil, si pink boy kerja bakti sendiri beberes dorm, hiks.
eunhae couple masih asik nonton anime bareng taemin, dan di sebelah mereka ada jonghyun yang mesam-mesem nontonin laptop eunhyuk (nah lho). siwon ngobrol sama onew, entah apa yang diomongin. ryeowook dan key masak-masak untuk makan siang, menunya telor balado plus ayam rica-rica ekstra super pedas, resep dari seorang elfindo.
kibum? rupanya dia absen sodara-sodari, katanya ada syuting dadakan. kyu vs minho main pacman (yaelah jaman kapan ini --") di kamarnya gamekyu.
sekilas emang biasa-biasa saja, tapi...
"ONEW!" teriak seseorang dari dapur yang ternyata adalah wookie.
"JINKI HYUNG, balikin itu ayam kalau nggak AKU NGGAK BAKAL MASAK AYAM LAGI DI DORM!" tambah key.
di dapur ada key dan ryeowook yang sama-sama pegang pisau. sementara orang yang diteriakin baru pasang tampang sepolos-polosnya plus tanpa dosa dengan tangan kanan memegang sepotong ayam balado
"alaaa, cuma sepotong aja! ya wookie hyung, kibum?" rengek onew
"gak! pokoknya balikin!" ryeowook menodongkan pisaunya ke onew "itu ayam belum..."
"aaah hyung~ eh ini enak kan?" dan onew pun menggigit ayam itu dengan beringas. key dan ryeowook saling pandang
"enak lho! enak!" onew tersenyum hepi tralala trilili. tangan kirinya mengacungkan jempol. key dan ryeowook memasang wajah pengen muntah
"hyung, asal hyung tau ya..." key menarik napas. "itu ayam belum mateng. belom digoreng. emangnya ayam mentah enak ya hyung?"
dan onew langsung kabur ke kamar mandi. kapok!
sementara itu, di depan TV...
"taemin! remote-nya mana?" tanya donghae
"lho tadi yang terakhir bawa eunhyuk hyung kok..."
"anchovy! mana remote? ganti channel! aku bosan nonton naruto!"
"aish, gak boleh ganti! ya gak taem?" eunhyuk cari dukungan. taemin mengangguk-angguk dengan sebotol susu pisang yang tau-tau sudah ada di tangannya
"dasar kalian ini... lho, taemin, sejak kapan kamu bawa susu? eh..." donghae melirik eunhyuk yang masih asik nonton lalu ke taemin lagi
"jangan-jangan kamu nyogok taemin ya hyuk? dasar! bukannya ngajarin yang baik, ini malah ngajarin nyogok nyogok segala!" omel si ikan dengan muka ketekuk
karena udah kepalang bete, donghae pindah tongkrongan ke sebelah jjong
"hayo! nonton apaan jjong?"
"alaaah, hyung kayak gak tau aja, jangan sok polos dah hyung hahaha,"
akhirnya itu orang 2 yadongan via laptop eunhyuk *digampar fishies plus blings plus jewels*
"gilaaa, aku belum nonton yang ini! si kunyuk kok gak bilang sih kalau dia ada stok baru?"
"sst, hyung! gak nikmat nontonnya kalau berisik!" desis jonghyun
"putih banget woi!"
"tapi gak cantik... cantikan juga sekyung,"
donghae melirik jjong dengan tatapan menyelidik
"ada apaan antara kamu sama sekyung? hayo, hayoo!"
"gak ada apa apa lah hyung, ketemu aje belum pernah," jonghyun melengos kesal. "cuma ngepens eh ngefans doang!"
"yah, kirain," donghae kecewa karena gak jadi dapet gosip hot
di ruang tamu leeteuk masih sibuk memeriksa jadwal member suju. shindong yang (katanya) baru bantuin juga ada di sana, membalik-balik kertas tapi matanya ke hp yang ada di tangannya dan dari tadi berdering terus
"gak bunyi lagi?" sindir leeteuk. aslinya dia envy berat pengen punya pacar juga
"mungkin dia sibuk," jawab shindong, entah nyadar atau nggak kalau dia disindir
"sibuk apaan? nyuci?"
"mana aku tau lah hyung!" dan tepat setelah shindong ngomong hp-nya bunyi lagi, bikin leeteuk pengen banting benda itu. tapi teuki gak berani, soalnya pasti ntar dia bakal dihabisi shindong -- minimal badannya ditindih dan dijamin langsung gepeng seketika
'huaaaa mau jadi apa perut kotak kotakku ini kalau ketindih shindong?" batin leeteuk sambil bergidik ngeri membayangkan scene ajaib itu
"hyung kenapa?" tanya shindong tanpa mengangkat muka dari hp. tangannya menari-nari di keyboard
"anni, anni, gakpapa," jawab leeteuk sambil senyum maksa
genre: comedy
category: chapter
casts: semua makhluk SJ + SHINee
just enjoy and laugh at the humors you understand (i bet there aren't) so, yeah
still at SJ's dorm
setelah kepergian (?) ketiga makhluk urutan 2-3-4 itu, suasana dorm kembali ayem.
leeteuk sibuk mengecek jadwal mereka. kangin masih beberes dan mempersiapkan kebutuhan wamil-nya. shindong sibuk (ngerusuhin) leeteuk sambil sms-an sama nari, yang bikin si leader jeles pengen punya pacar juga
sungmin kebagian tugas piket hari ini, harusnya bareng yesung juga (dicurigai yesung sengaja kabur biar gak usah piket). alhasil, si pink boy kerja bakti sendiri beberes dorm, hiks.
eunhae couple masih asik nonton anime bareng taemin, dan di sebelah mereka ada jonghyun yang mesam-mesem nontonin laptop eunhyuk (nah lho). siwon ngobrol sama onew, entah apa yang diomongin. ryeowook dan key masak-masak untuk makan siang, menunya telor balado plus ayam rica-rica ekstra super pedas, resep dari seorang elfindo.
kibum? rupanya dia absen sodara-sodari, katanya ada syuting dadakan. kyu vs minho main pacman (yaelah jaman kapan ini --") di kamarnya gamekyu.
sekilas emang biasa-biasa saja, tapi...
"ONEW!" teriak seseorang dari dapur yang ternyata adalah wookie.
"JINKI HYUNG, balikin itu ayam kalau nggak AKU NGGAK BAKAL MASAK AYAM LAGI DI DORM!" tambah key.
di dapur ada key dan ryeowook yang sama-sama pegang pisau. sementara orang yang diteriakin baru pasang tampang sepolos-polosnya plus tanpa dosa dengan tangan kanan memegang sepotong ayam balado
"alaaa, cuma sepotong aja! ya wookie hyung, kibum?" rengek onew
"gak! pokoknya balikin!" ryeowook menodongkan pisaunya ke onew "itu ayam belum..."
"aaah hyung~ eh ini enak kan?" dan onew pun menggigit ayam itu dengan beringas. key dan ryeowook saling pandang
"enak lho! enak!" onew tersenyum hepi tralala trilili. tangan kirinya mengacungkan jempol. key dan ryeowook memasang wajah pengen muntah
"hyung, asal hyung tau ya..." key menarik napas. "itu ayam belum mateng. belom digoreng. emangnya ayam mentah enak ya hyung?"
dan onew langsung kabur ke kamar mandi. kapok!
sementara itu, di depan TV...
"taemin! remote-nya mana?" tanya donghae
"lho tadi yang terakhir bawa eunhyuk hyung kok..."
"anchovy! mana remote? ganti channel! aku bosan nonton naruto!"
"aish, gak boleh ganti! ya gak taem?" eunhyuk cari dukungan. taemin mengangguk-angguk dengan sebotol susu pisang yang tau-tau sudah ada di tangannya
"dasar kalian ini... lho, taemin, sejak kapan kamu bawa susu? eh..." donghae melirik eunhyuk yang masih asik nonton lalu ke taemin lagi
"jangan-jangan kamu nyogok taemin ya hyuk? dasar! bukannya ngajarin yang baik, ini malah ngajarin nyogok nyogok segala!" omel si ikan dengan muka ketekuk
karena udah kepalang bete, donghae pindah tongkrongan ke sebelah jjong
"hayo! nonton apaan jjong?"
"alaaah, hyung kayak gak tau aja, jangan sok polos dah hyung hahaha,"
akhirnya itu orang 2 yadongan via laptop eunhyuk *digampar fishies plus blings plus jewels*
"gilaaa, aku belum nonton yang ini! si kunyuk kok gak bilang sih kalau dia ada stok baru?"
"sst, hyung! gak nikmat nontonnya kalau berisik!" desis jonghyun
"putih banget woi!"
"tapi gak cantik... cantikan juga sekyung,"
donghae melirik jjong dengan tatapan menyelidik
"ada apaan antara kamu sama sekyung? hayo, hayoo!"
"gak ada apa apa lah hyung, ketemu aje belum pernah," jonghyun melengos kesal. "cuma ngepens eh ngefans doang!"
"yah, kirain," donghae kecewa karena gak jadi dapet gosip hot
di ruang tamu leeteuk masih sibuk memeriksa jadwal member suju. shindong yang (katanya) baru bantuin juga ada di sana, membalik-balik kertas tapi matanya ke hp yang ada di tangannya dan dari tadi berdering terus
"gak bunyi lagi?" sindir leeteuk. aslinya dia envy berat pengen punya pacar juga
"mungkin dia sibuk," jawab shindong, entah nyadar atau nggak kalau dia disindir
"sibuk apaan? nyuci?"
"mana aku tau lah hyung!" dan tepat setelah shindong ngomong hp-nya bunyi lagi, bikin leeteuk pengen banting benda itu. tapi teuki gak berani, soalnya pasti ntar dia bakal dihabisi shindong -- minimal badannya ditindih dan dijamin langsung gepeng seketika
'huaaaa mau jadi apa perut kotak kotakku ini kalau ketindih shindong?" batin leeteuk sambil bergidik ngeri membayangkan scene ajaib itu
"hyung kenapa?" tanya shindong tanpa mengangkat muka dari hp. tangannya menari-nari di keyboard
"anni, anni, gakpapa," jawab leeteuk sambil senyum maksa
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Just Me and You -- Part 11
Henry's POV
She's leaving? For America? This saturday?
Eotteokhae? What should I do now?
My brain tell me to call her right away, asked her to go here, and... tell her?
The next thing I know is I dialed Amber's number
Amber's POV
I heard my phone's ringtone and picked it up without looking at the caller's name.
"Amber?" I read the caller's name. Henry
"Amber? Are you still there?" asked him
"Are you busy right now?"
"Not really," I glanced at my half-full suitcase. Still have some time to do that. "Why?"
"Umm, just asking, wanna meet?" asked him, stuttering
"Where are you?"
"At our dorm's backyard,"
"Okay, just wait for 5 minutes," I said, and he ended the call. I took my jacket and walked out the dorm
"Vic! I'll go for a while!" and with that, I closed the door
Henry's POV
It's already 5 minutes but she hasn't come. And I'm freezing on this cement bench -____-
Well, that's my fault to only wear a jeans jacket and asked someone to meet at this weather outside a building
At least they have heater there
Suddenly, my phone rang anmd I took it immediately
"Ya! Henry, where are you?"
"Still at the place I mentioned before,"
"Aren't you freezing? It's really cold outside. I'm already at the apartment, still walking to the backyard,"
"Well, if you aren't coming in 5 minutes more, you'll find a Mr. Snowman here,"
"Sheesh, for your information Mr. Lau, I've been at the backyard terrace," and I turned to see her, with one of her hands on her waist
"Still want to talk by phone?" I asked
"Yes! So I don't have to go there. It's warmer here,"
"Ya! Come here!" I yelled. She laughed and walked to me. Then she stared at me and sighed
"Aigoo! How can you tell me that you're not freezing? See! Your hair is full of snow, babo!" she pointed at my head. "And how could you go outside with just this thin jacket? I bet your hand is very cold, stupid!" said her as she sat beside me
"Stop nagging at me," I rolled my eyes. "The more important thing is, is that true that you're going to America this Saturday?"
I stared at her who was busy kicking snows over
"From who did you hear those things?" she asked
"My hyungs, your eonni told them," I sighed. Okay, do that now, Henry!
"So, yeah, it's true. And did you call me here just to ask that, Mr. Lau?"
"Anni, just wait and see," I said, with my phone on my hand. "Just wait, and see,"
She's leaving? For America? This saturday?
Eotteokhae? What should I do now?
My brain tell me to call her right away, asked her to go here, and... tell her?
The next thing I know is I dialed Amber's number
Amber's POV
I heard my phone's ringtone and picked it up without looking at the caller's name.
"Amber?" I read the caller's name. Henry
"Amber? Are you still there?" asked him
"Are you busy right now?"
"Not really," I glanced at my half-full suitcase. Still have some time to do that. "Why?"
"Umm, just asking, wanna meet?" asked him, stuttering
"Where are you?"
"At our dorm's backyard,"
"Okay, just wait for 5 minutes," I said, and he ended the call. I took my jacket and walked out the dorm
"Vic! I'll go for a while!" and with that, I closed the door
Henry's POV
It's already 5 minutes but she hasn't come. And I'm freezing on this cement bench -____-
Well, that's my fault to only wear a jeans jacket and asked someone to meet at this weather outside a building
At least they have heater there
Suddenly, my phone rang anmd I took it immediately
"Ya! Henry, where are you?"
"Still at the place I mentioned before,"
"Aren't you freezing? It's really cold outside. I'm already at the apartment, still walking to the backyard,"
"Well, if you aren't coming in 5 minutes more, you'll find a Mr. Snowman here,"
"Sheesh, for your information Mr. Lau, I've been at the backyard terrace," and I turned to see her, with one of her hands on her waist
"Still want to talk by phone?" I asked
"Yes! So I don't have to go there. It's warmer here,"
"Ya! Come here!" I yelled. She laughed and walked to me. Then she stared at me and sighed
"Aigoo! How can you tell me that you're not freezing? See! Your hair is full of snow, babo!" she pointed at my head. "And how could you go outside with just this thin jacket? I bet your hand is very cold, stupid!" said her as she sat beside me
"Stop nagging at me," I rolled my eyes. "The more important thing is, is that true that you're going to America this Saturday?"
I stared at her who was busy kicking snows over
"From who did you hear those things?" she asked
"My hyungs, your eonni told them," I sighed. Okay, do that now, Henry!
"So, yeah, it's true. And did you call me here just to ask that, Mr. Lau?"
"Anni, just wait and see," I said, with my phone on my hand. "Just wait, and see,"
Just Me and You -- Part 10
@ f(x)'s Dorm
"Guys, I have some news for you," said Amber when all f(x) members were gathering in the TV room
"What's it?" asked Vic
"I... will go to the States..."
"BWOH?" the 4 of them yelled and gaped at Amber with a you-must-be-kidding face
"Why? How? WHEN?!" asked Luna, almost screaming
"For the treatment of my legs, erm, it'a next Saturday,"
"And HOW LONG will it be?"
"Whoa, calm guys! Maybe I'll be there for more than 6 months. This one is a serious injury," Amber sighed
"Noooo way! Eonni! Don't go!" Sulli and Krystal pleaded. Amber gave them a faint smile and shook her head
"Or else I won't be able to dance with you forever," said her. "Okaaaay, I'll start to pack my things now. Later on, girls!"
As Amber headed to her bedroom, the other members glanced at each other
"Eonniiiii, eotteokhaeyo?" Luna whispered
"Better tell the boys, eonni,"
"Okay," Victoria took her phone from the table and started to call Leeteuk
"Wait, what do I have to tell to them?" asked Victoria blankly
"Eonni ya! Amber's leaving for America!"
@ SJ's Dorm
"Hyung! Your phone!" Sungmin shouted
"Pick it! Pick it!" Leeteuk yelled from the bathroom. Sungmin picked the call
"Yoboseyeo?" said him. "He's, erm, with his business right now. So, what is it?"
A minute later, Sungmin's expression had changed
"Err, okay, I'll tell him. Okay, okaaaayyy. Annyeong," and he ended the conversation
"Who's that?" asked Leeteuk, still drying his hand with a tissue
"I think we have to change our plan,"
"But why?"
"Just call the members except Henry, hyung,"
"Who's the leader here? Go call them!" Leeteuk pushed Sungmin out from the room
Amber's POV
Do I have to go? The doctors said that I must go and have a treatment there
But, but, BUT!
Leave my friends here is hard, and...
Gosh. What about him? What about Henry?
Well. Think about that later. I still have these things to be packed
Henry's POV
Where are they? Where are my hyungs?
Now I'm in the dorm, all alone again.
Just where in the world are they?
Well, let's check the other dorm...
Author's POV
@ SJ's Dorm
"SHE'S GOING TO GO?" Leeteuk screeched.
"Ssh, calm, hyung!" Shindong pulled the leader's arm. "I thought you've know about it!"
"Sungmin hyung, is that true?" asked Kyuhyun, a bit interested
"Yes, Victoria said that she's going to America this Saturday..."
"Who's going to America?" asked someone.
"Ya! I have mentioned it before! It's Amber -- wait, who's there?"
"Is that Henry?"
Then the door was banged. What all of them knew is that Henry had left the dorm
"Oh.no. A BIG, FAT, UGLY NO!" Heechul screamed and successfully made the other members stared at him in disgust -_-
"Where'd he go?"
"Maybe f(x)'s dorm?"
"I'm not sure," said Siwon. "I'll try to find him,"
"No, don't," Leeteuk pulled the tallest man. "We should let him have a time for himself,"
The other members nodded
"How could you be so wise, hyung?" asked Eunhyuk. Leeteuk shot him with a death-glare and hit the anchovy's head with his fist
"Guys, I have some news for you," said Amber when all f(x) members were gathering in the TV room
"What's it?" asked Vic
"I... will go to the States..."
"BWOH?" the 4 of them yelled and gaped at Amber with a you-must-be-kidding face
"Why? How? WHEN?!" asked Luna, almost screaming
"For the treatment of my legs, erm, it'a next Saturday,"
"And HOW LONG will it be?"
"Whoa, calm guys! Maybe I'll be there for more than 6 months. This one is a serious injury," Amber sighed
"Noooo way! Eonni! Don't go!" Sulli and Krystal pleaded. Amber gave them a faint smile and shook her head
"Or else I won't be able to dance with you forever," said her. "Okaaaay, I'll start to pack my things now. Later on, girls!"
As Amber headed to her bedroom, the other members glanced at each other
"Eonniiiii, eotteokhaeyo?" Luna whispered
"Better tell the boys, eonni,"
"Okay," Victoria took her phone from the table and started to call Leeteuk
"Wait, what do I have to tell to them?" asked Victoria blankly
"Eonni ya! Amber's leaving for America!"
@ SJ's Dorm
"Hyung! Your phone!" Sungmin shouted
"Pick it! Pick it!" Leeteuk yelled from the bathroom. Sungmin picked the call
"Yoboseyeo?" said him. "He's, erm, with his business right now. So, what is it?"
A minute later, Sungmin's expression had changed
"Err, okay, I'll tell him. Okay, okaaaayyy. Annyeong," and he ended the conversation
"Who's that?" asked Leeteuk, still drying his hand with a tissue
"I think we have to change our plan,"
"But why?"
"Just call the members except Henry, hyung,"
"Who's the leader here? Go call them!" Leeteuk pushed Sungmin out from the room
Amber's POV
Do I have to go? The doctors said that I must go and have a treatment there
But, but, BUT!
Leave my friends here is hard, and...
Gosh. What about him? What about Henry?
Well. Think about that later. I still have these things to be packed
Henry's POV
Where are they? Where are my hyungs?
Now I'm in the dorm, all alone again.
Just where in the world are they?
Well, let's check the other dorm...
Author's POV
@ SJ's Dorm
"SHE'S GOING TO GO?" Leeteuk screeched.
"Ssh, calm, hyung!" Shindong pulled the leader's arm. "I thought you've know about it!"
"Sungmin hyung, is that true?" asked Kyuhyun, a bit interested
"Yes, Victoria said that she's going to America this Saturday..."
"Who's going to America?" asked someone.
"Ya! I have mentioned it before! It's Amber -- wait, who's there?"
"Is that Henry?"
Then the door was banged. What all of them knew is that Henry had left the dorm
"Oh.no. A BIG, FAT, UGLY NO!" Heechul screamed and successfully made the other members stared at him in disgust -_-
"Where'd he go?"
"Maybe f(x)'s dorm?"
"I'm not sure," said Siwon. "I'll try to find him,"
"No, don't," Leeteuk pulled the tallest man. "We should let him have a time for himself,"
The other members nodded
"How could you be so wise, hyung?" asked Eunhyuk. Leeteuk shot him with a death-glare and hit the anchovy's head with his fist
Sunday, January 2, 2011
just another angsty-fanfic that i made in late-midnight ._.
but it's a draaaabbleeee *then so what?*
gak usah banyak bacot well enjoy guys~
character: kyutoria (again)
"Do you know that I like your old self better?
Or maybe you just don't care?
And so what if you care?"
She muttered under her breath. Her left hand was holding her phone
"Just replying a message. Is it that hard?"
She glanced at her phone. Once, twice, three times, four times...
"I just want to make sure that at least, you still have an eye on me. Or should I say, you don't ignore me"
She kept her phone away but still waiting for it to ring
"Yes. You're ignoring me,"
She knows that waiting like that is silly. Or in another word, hopeless
"I know... I shouldn't confess at that time. Bad timing,"
She sighed and threw her sight outside the window
"The distance between us is going wider and wider days by days since that time,"
She crossed her arms and closed her eyes. Tried to forget about that person and what happened with them.
"I... regret it,"
She said, as a drop of tear escaped from her eyes.
"Why am I crying? It's nonsense. Nothing will change. Time won't reverse. What I've done won't undid. Nothing will affected how much I shed my tears,"
"... these tears are meaningless"
A/N drabble drabble drabble! angst angst angst! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ (?)
but it's a draaaabbleeee *then so what?*
character: kyutoria (again)
"Do you know that I like your old self better?
Or maybe you just don't care?
And so what if you care?"
She muttered under her breath. Her left hand was holding her phone
"Just replying a message. Is it that hard?"
She glanced at her phone. Once, twice, three times, four times...
"I just want to make sure that at least, you still have an eye on me. Or should I say, you don't ignore me"
She kept her phone away but still waiting for it to ring
"Yes. You're ignoring me,"
She knows that waiting like that is silly. Or in another word, hopeless
"I know... I shouldn't confess at that time. Bad timing,"
She sighed and threw her sight outside the window
"The distance between us is going wider and wider days by days since that time,"
She crossed her arms and closed her eyes. Tried to forget about that person and what happened with them.
"I... regret it,"
She said, as a drop of tear escaped from her eyes.
"Why am I crying? It's nonsense. Nothing will change. Time won't reverse. What I've done won't undid. Nothing will affected how much I shed my tears,"
"... these tears are meaningless"
A/N drabble drabble drabble! angst angst angst! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ (?)
Saturday, January 1, 2011
say hell-o!
wew. already 2011? time sure walks fast. i felt that yesterday was just the 1st of january 2010... and now it's 2011? WHERE HAVE I BEEN THIS YEAR? WHAT HAVE I DONE?
okaaaay. so let me write something here
IN 2010:
- i'm a 9th grader!
- i didn't study well, just fangirling around -_-
- my mid-2010 is full of... something-like-that. maybe some of you know what i mean *lirik lirik della*
- SHINee went here and I DIDN'T SEE THEM! (okay, this point is so random)
- i spent a lot of money for my fangirling items (but i didn't regret it very much :P)
and so-so-so on (terlalu aib buat ditulis huahahahaha)
- i can do my exam and got a high score
- then... of course, get into a good high-school
- get a netbook (or MacBook *plak)
- or, an iPod nano
maybe that's all *writer block: ON*
what's your 2011 wishes, guys?
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