Friday, December 24, 2010

sheesh. i'm writing with my iPod, in bed, 'cause of this fever == i hate being sick

well. these days i'm crazy 'bout reality shows. korean reality shows, like idol army or what-so-ever like that. kkkkk
and yes, i always download the episodes everyday. yes yes yes yes yes. woohoo~

my favorite one *or two? or three?* is Hello Baby (both Soshi's and SHINee's) then Idol Army and and and f(x) Koala. they could make you ROFL-ing practically. haha

btw, it's already the 5th day of my holiday. there's still... like, 9 days more?
but gosh i'm HELLA BORED at home. it's boringboringboringboring. all i can do is sitting in front of my computer, downloading some videos or just lying on my bed with earphones or headphones

even holiday could be this boring ==

oh yes! some days ago della shared a link of a video. a sick and crazy chicken CF video
but i love the chicken dong and chicken-chicken (instead of sorry sorry). i'm laughing like crazy whenever i watch the video, LOL xD

okay, that's all fellas. bye

p.s. if you want to watch the video, here you go:

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

2 years

Title: 2 Years
Genre: angst
Rate: PG-13
Character: a girl, and, erm, a boy she adores (cut it short, it's Suzy and Taemin)

A/N this fanfic meant something to me~
well enjoy it, readers! :D

one-sided. i know this word too well.

'cause 2 years of one-sided feeling is not a short time. at least for me.

(well it's NOT 7 years of love *chuckled*)

since when have i had this feeling? 2 years ago, since his debut stage. err, scratch it. when we met at the bus stop. random? yes, it is.

why? i don't know why though, ask my brain. maybe it's because his angelic smile and mushroom hair -- and not to forget, his aegyo charm.

then how about now?


i'm STILL in the try-to-forget stage right now.

why do you try to forget him?

it hurts, for real. so, yes, imagine this.

what will you feel when you see your most-admired-person with another boy or girl, walking hand in hand, chatting, and texting each other intently?

yes. jealousy.

furthermore, it'll grow to a broken heart. then it will left a big big big scar in your heart.

after that you'll start to realizing the fact. then you'll try to not liking him anymore, and in the end, you'll be like me. forgetting

the truth is, until now, i still like him. and how could you forget someone if you meet and see him or her almost everyday?

Saranghandaneun iyujocha jwaega dwaetji
Gipeun sangchyeodeuleun ta deuleoga jaega dwaetji
Hajiman ilneun geotboda itneun geosi deo apaol ppoon

Even the reason I love became a sin
The deep wounds slowly burnt up and turned to ash
But to forget will be more painful than to lose it

*Obsession - SHINee*

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


character: find out by yourself :)

Mochi is now online

Mochi: Urm, hi?
fxAm: Huh? Hi
Mochi: So... how was your day?
fxAm: Complicated. Thanks for asking
Mochi: Oh, I see

"Just 'Oh, I see'?" she grumbled. But why did she grumbled? Did she expect more action from him?

Mochi: Wait, just asking, when will you come back to Korea?
fxAm: Around this December maybe. Why?

"Why did he ask about that?"

Mochi: Mm, you see, some days ago Vic noona told me to tell you to come back to Korea soon

So, it's just because of that? No specific reason? ... Why does she felt that her heart is aching a little?

fxAm: Well thanks for the information, I'll check my schedule later
Mochi: Great. Can't wait to see you soon

What does he mean? Should she hope he say something to her?

fxAm: Okaaaaaay
Mochi: Umm, actually... I miss you, personally :)

Mochi is now offline

okaaaay,this is random as usual ==

Monday, December 20, 2010

it's just a mid-night-random-posting. don't like, then don't read *well i'm being a bit strict (?) nowadays*
it's still the first day of holiday, but yeah i'm bored. so-very-much bored. all i kept do this day is staring at my computer's monitor, or my phone, or my iPod (that contains nothing)
and guess what? in a holiday like this, i still have to go and do a simulation test for the national exam (okay, i don't really know what's the english word of UNAS) that will be held tomorrow. IT'S HOLIDAY! then it means NO studying! aaaaaargh -____-
anyway, just wanna share, i just joined livejournal some days ago. one i could say: blogger is a lot easier! ._.

that's all for today~

Sunday, December 19, 2010


those who laugh when read this will definitely cursed by me to go to hell

so, yeah. akhir akhir ini saya jarang nggalau (alhamdulillah). lagian males juga nggalau, toh dengan saya galau dengan segalau galaunya (?) gak bakal ada yang berubah. iya kan?

well. just let it go like the riverflow, and you'll be allright... mungkin waktu pertama pertama tahap let it go bakal agak... err, painful and full o' sufferings? tapi percayalaaaah, kalau udah berlangsung lama jadinya biasa aja. malah ilang. hehehe. that's all i have gone through, so trust me :p

well. as i said, this is JUST a random writing. jangan ketawa! yang ketawa tak bunuh!

Friday, December 17, 2010

PKK + Bu GJ = nilai UAS gak jelas

okeee. hari ini jumat, and that means besok itu sabtu = hari terakhir semester 1 = terima si buku-merah-sialan alias rapor.

yang masih membebani (?) pikiran tuh: nilai PKK. yang dikasih tau sekitar 3 hari yang lalu dalam bentuk lembaran kertas berisi nilai anak sekelas.

as we all know, satu angkatan nilai UAS PKK jeblok semua. gak percaya? di kelasku aja nilai tertinggi cuma 68. ulangi. 68. ENAM PULUH DELAPAN!

gak bisa bayangin besok di rapor ada tulisan gini:

Keterampilan (PKK)  68  enam puluh delapan  TIDAK TUNTAS

OH HELL. mau jadi apa woi PKK gak tuntas? MALU-MALUIN!

padahal ya soal UAS tuh podo plek persis (beberapa) yang pilihan ganda sama soal MID. si dea prima yang (katanya) udah ngoreksi sampai detik-detik terakhir aja cuma dapet enam puluh-berapa gitu. dan kita-kita makhluk sekelas itu udah yakin kalau jawabannya rata-rata pada bener banyak. tapi ya nggak tau, entah gurunya yang emang error atau apa, atau mungkin salah kunci jawaban (ketuker soal tahun lalu, who knows?)

terus, waktu aku tanya ke 9A, katanya ajeng:

"si *piiiip* (nama disamarkan) itu gak ngisi essay 3,4,5 yo! eh dia dapet 73! paling tinggi di sini"

jelas jelas ini ada kesalahan teknis di kunci jawaban atau gurunya! (dan anak sekelas nganggepnya si bu GJ yang error. mbuh lah)

aku juga sempet ke 9F, mereka malah udah minta ngoreksi ulang (jadi mereka sendiri yang ngoreksi gitu) tapi si ibu GJ gakmau. alah bilang aja males ngulangin masukin nilai buuuu -___-

jadi kayaknya ini nilai UAS PKK menjadi misteri, entah karena salah kunci, gurunya error atau ada dendam kesumat sama anak-anak seangkatan jadi nilainya anjlok drastis (su'udzon) atauuu karena si ibu ngoreksinya seenak udel tanpa liat teori di LKS. cih

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Holiday? YES, HOLIDAY! -- Part 1

karena ane gak ada kerjaan selain buka blog dll, jadi mending bikin postingan aje --"

ini FF lagi ya~

Title: Holiday? YES, HOLIDAY! (Part 1)
Genre: Comedy
Rate: G
Character: SJ + SHINee

sangtae alert! asli ini garing --"


Hari ini libur, alias SJ gak ada kerjaan. Dan kebetulan SHINee juga baru libur. Jadi hari ini para makhluk SHINee memutuskan untuk sowan ke dorm sunbae mereka itu.

-Dorm Bawah-

TING TONG! Jonghyun memencet bel dorm bawah SJ. Setelah ditunggu beberapa menit ternyata itu pintu nggak dibuka-buka juga.

"Hyung, gimana nih?" tanya Jonghyun. Onew mengangkat bahu.
"Yaudah, ke dorm atas aja yuk," ajak si leader maniak ayam. Mereka lalu berjalan ke lift dan naik ke lantai tempat dorm SJ yang satunya.

-Dorm Atas-

TING TONG! Kali ini yang mencet bel si Key. Lalu beberapa detik kemudian terdengar suara gaduh dari dalam.


"Yaaaah Cho Kyuhyun! Beresin kabel PS-mu! Bikin orang kesandung tau nggak?" omel seseorang sambil membukakan pintu. Ternyata Siwon.

"Aaa, kalian. Ada apa?" tanya Siwon, buru-buru mengganti ekspresinya dari sebel tingkat dewa jadi sok cool dan kalem.

"Cuma mau main ke dorm kok hyung," jawab Taemin sekenanya. Ryeowook yang mendengar suara ribut dari arah pintu depan langsung menghampiri.

"Lho? Kalian lagi? Mau minta makanan?" tanya Ryeowook heran.
"Tet-toot! Salah hyung!" kata Minho.
"Oh, numpang makan?" tebak Wookie.
"Nitipin Taemin lagi?"
"Bukan! Sok tau!"
"Terus apaan?"
"Wong kita cuma mau main kok hyung. Weeeeek *mehrong~*" Minho menjulurkan lidahnya. Ryeowook cepet-cepet nyopot sendalnya terus nyambit Minho pakai itu sendal Swallow *lho nyebut merk*

BUK! Tepat sasaran. Taemin langsung menghampiri hyungnya itu dengan wajah cemas.

"Yaaa! Wookie-hyung kejam! Ummmaaaaaa! Wookie-hyung kejam!" Taemin menunjuk-nunjuk Ryeowook sambil menarik baju Key.

"Hyung, gwaenchana?" Taemin berbalik ke arah Minho yang masih mengelus kepalanya yang kena sambitan mautnya Wookie.

"Gwaenchana, gwaenchana," gumam Minho dengan muka BT. Taemin tersenyum sambil menepuk-nepuk pelan kepala Minho.

(okeee, 2Min moment ended! Nanti malah bikin FF 2Min jadinya --")

Setelah insiden kecil itu Siwon menyuruh makhluk SHINee masuk ke dorm. Onew, as usual, kabur ke ruang makan cari ayam. Jonghyun nyariin Eunhyuk, nggak tau mau ngapain. Minta video yadongan kali *digetok blings*

Key langsung pergi ke dapur bareng Ryeowook. Mungkin hari ini mereka bakal ngadain demo masak. Minho ke kamar Kyuhyun, rencananya mau bujuk si GameKyu biar minjemin game terbaru. Taemin duduk di sofa sambil nonton One Piece (btw Taemin suka One Piece lhooo *gakpenting)

Beberapa menit kemudian, terdengar bunyi rusuh dan pintu dibanting, disusul suara langkah kaki Hangeng, Heechul dan Yesung.

"Yaaaa! Jangan banting pintunya!" teriak Leeteuk. "Mahal tau!"
"Halah, sok hemat lu!" cibir Heechul.
"Bukan sok hemat, tapi emang hemat!" ledek Siwon.
"Cih, mentang-mentang orang kayaaaaaa~"
"Lho kok gitu jadinya?"

Taemin dan Eunhyuk (yang ikutan nonton) merasa terganggu debat kusir di depan mereka dan sepakat untuk melempari pihak-pihak yang bertikai dengan bantal di sofa terus langsung kabur ke kamar Eunhyuk.

"DONGSAENG SIALAAAAAAAN!" teriak Leeteuk. Heechul, Hangeng dan Yesung langsung angkat kaki dari TKP. Emang aslinya mereka mau pergi kok~

"Lho, lho, kalian mau kemana hyung?" tanya Siwon.
"Anu, kalau aku mau siaran YoungStreet. Gak ngerti 2 makhluk ini mau ngapain," jawab Heechul.
"Aku mau nemenin Heechul siaran, iya kan yeobo?" sambung Hangeng sambil kedip-kedip najong. Heechul bergidik jijik.
"Aku mau cari makanannya Ddangkoma. Udah abis tuh," tambah Yesung.
"Yaudah sana pergi hus hus hus!" Leeteuk mendorong ketiga makhluk aneh itu keluar dan membanting pintu dorm.

"Lho hyung? Katanya gak boleh banting pintu?"

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

random writing

before start to write, i want to share this first:

YEAH the second MV. will download immediately. kekekeke


"Where have you been?"
I always be by your side, my angel

"Where are you now?"
I'm here! Urgh. You can't hear me, right?

"Do you think about me? Please do. Because I do."
I do. Always

"Do you know how much I shed my tears for you? Do you know how bad is the pain? Do you know that I keep calling your name before I sleep, just to wish in the next day you'll back for me?"
I know. I've always watch you.

"I hate you. I hate you for making my life miserable, I hate you for made me suffer at the first time you gone, I hate you that much so I couldn't forget about you. I hate you, I hate you."
Do anything but not hate me, chagi. I'm sorry

"This pain is still the same pain, Jinki-ya,"
And it's also the same for me

"You left me alone. You leave without me!"
I don't want to left you alone! I want to be by your side!

"I still remember the last time we go together. Did you remember that?"
I still remember it too. The littlest details

"Could you please back, Jinki-ya? I miss you. Terribly miss you,"
I wish I could, chagi. I wish I could. Bogoshippeo

"I don't want to forget all of our memories, but they said I have to move on. I don't want to!"
Please don't forget about me! About us! About our memories!

"Should I go to the place where you are now?"
If you want to... No! Don't! It's not because I don't love you, but... you still have life to live in!

"I wish you could be by my side now,"
Chagi... I'm here! Can you hear me?

"I'm a fool for wishing like that, no?"
No! You're totally not a fool! I... I...

"If wishing upon a shooting star could do, I'll... I'll do it,"

"But that will NEVER do,"
I wish that will EVER do

"Jeongmal saranghae, Jinki-ya,"
Na do saranghae, chagi. Please wipe your tears away. I hate to see your crying face
She was sitting at the back garden of her house. Lee Jinki which she couldn't see was standing a meter away from her.

"Don't cry, chagiya, please don't..." he whispered. He hugged her from behind and she flinched a bit
"Do you feel my hug?" he moved and faced her, then kissed her lightly.
"Can you feel the kiss?" she touched her lips and tears started welling on her eyes.

"Is that you, Jinki-ya?"
"Yes. It's me, chagi. Don't cry. I'm here,"
"Is that you?"
"It's me! It's your Jinki!"
"Are you here for real?"
"It's for real,"
"But... but... I can't see you. I just can hear your voice,"
"I'm right in front of you,"
"There's nothing..."
"I wish you can see me,"
"I wish I can,"
"Can you see me now?"
"No, I see nothing,"
"Could you feel my hand?"
"Yes. Bogoshippeo Jinki-ya,"
"Na do Bogoshippeoyeo"
"Promise to me you won't leave me again?"
"As long as it's for you, dear my lady, I'll promise,"


okaaaay. is this an angst? or fluff? or what? ahahaha --


for those who don't know, di sekolahku tiap abis semesteran selalu diadain classmeeting. tau classmeeting kagak? kayak lomba olahraga gitu tapi cuma antar kelas. kalau di SMP 1 yang dilombain itu basket, sepak bola, voli, sama pingpong a.k.a tenis meja.

taun ini, seperti biasa juga, aku bawa komik segidang ke sekolah. kebiasaan ini udah dari kelas 7 hehe, dan semua orang yang kenal aku udah tau kalau aku bakal bawa itu komik komik. ada yang pesen segala. maunyaaaa -___-

and today, we've done the first day of classmeeting. kelasku hari ini tanding bola sama voli. bolanya menang dong, 9b gitulooooh xD tapi sayangnya volinya kalah. si iqbal sih pake pindah segala. jadinya gak ada master voli lagi tuh di 9B

besok kalau gak salah jatahnya 9B basket sama pingpong apaya? iya ketoke. haha yasudahlah wish them luck!

gak penting dah. ane mau bikin ff lagi~ byeee

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

written by me. no offense #hoh?

Title: One-Sided
Genre: (failed) angst *sigh*, one-shot
Rate: PG-13
Character: Victoria

She stared at her phone blankly, waiting for something from someone to came out. Just a simple message like 'How was your day?' or 'Are you okay?' will make her feel satisfied and boost her mood for a full-day.

Because that means, he still have a little attention for her.

She opened her inbox folder and browsed through the messages there. She smiled at some message but frowned at the other.

Love could make someone go crazy, her dongsaengs thought while nodding silently at each other.

Then, her phone rang and she will yelped in excitement. Her dongsaengs rolled their eyes together, started from Luna, then they decided to leave the leader in the livingroom alone with her craziness.

She didn't know and doesn't even care. Her smile grew wider to a grin when she typed a reply for the message.
It's been a week since the last time they texted each other (well, if you call asking about each other's condition as texting, then count it). She knew that he's busy with his new group, with recording, shows, and debut stages. But it's being too much and she felt like... his affection for her has gone.

Her mood went down, her dongsaengs were being a bit frustated. She's the leader but yet she has no power she usually does. When they asked about her condition, she always just nods her head slightly as the approval that she's okay, but her eyes say no. What does she need now is the little attention.

She avoided her own phone, like having a bad phobia on it. Just staring at it with no hope is hurts like hell. Everytime she wanted to text him, her heart says no.

She knows, she always knows. Her feeling is one-sided and people always say that one-sided feelings have no hope.

She hates the truth that her relationship with him is just like an oppa-dongsaeng relationship. Not more than that. She knows that all the affection he has poured to her, is just like a big brother's love for his little sister. Although the one who is older is her, but that's the way he treat her. And someway, somehow, it hurts.

The way he took care of her is the same way with him to her dongsaengs. At first she felt that he treat her 'more special', but now she has realized about the real fact.

She pressed the 'delete' button and erased all of his messages. A depressed sigh escaped from her lips and a faint smile appeared at her face.

Like what her 3 dongsaengs have said to her, she has to move on. Sulli has threaten her to erase his messages from her phone or she will do it by herself. Even Krystal has promised to take her and introduce her to Krystal's college friends (for what? yeah, blind dates. sometimes Krystal is too crazy)

She sighed once more, wiped the tears that appeared at her eyes and smiled. She put her phone away and hummed,

"Nan neol, neol saenggakhamyeon,
Neomu apa, apa apa, apa apa..."

Well sorry if there's a bunch of typo here. see, i'm writing with my iPod touch and i'm typing in a lightning speed, so... yeah you know.

anywaaaayyy, umm, do you know what's the pairing here? or who's the 'he' in this fanfiction?

it's 우리 슈퍼 주니어 막내 (our Super Junior's maknae), 초 규현 (Cho Kyuhyun), hehe xD

so that means that this is a KyuToria fanfics! *bricked by khuntoria shippers*

Sunday, December 5, 2010

SM the Ballad

ada yang tau SM the Ballad? itu, yang kemaren kapan itu debut di Inkigayo. waktu itu mereka bawain first single mereka yang judulnya Miss You itu.

ini MV Miss You (yang menurut ane asli lebay. banget. apalagi bagian endingnya HAHA)

jangan ngarep itu MV ada dance-nya. mana cocok lagu mellow gitu digabung dance --"

membernya ada 4 biji, Jay TRAX, Kyuhyun Super Junior, Jonghyun SHINee, sama si maknae Jino yang masih trainee. dan sampai sekarang aku belum bisa bedain Jay sama Jino lhooo DX

their first album, titled Really Missing You (kalau gasalah) sejauh ini lagunya aku baru punya lagunya 4 biji. Miss You, Don't Lie (Jjong-Jino ft. Henry SJ-M), Another Day (Jay), terus Love Again (Kyuhyun). aaaand my favorite one is Don't Lie! tapi masih bingung bedain suara Henry sama Jino -.-

fandom? ini nih -_- namanya gak enak tudemeks. masa' namanya SEXER coba ._.

berhubung ane gak tau banyak yasudahlah ._. hmm cukup sekian dan terimakasih sudah bersedia baca bacotan gak penting ini. buh-byeee

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Please Babysit Our Maknae! -- Part 1

hellaaah. aku baru iseng bikin-bikin FF, jadi ya mungkin bakal banyak posting. hehehe xD

Title: Please Babysit Our Maknae! (Part 1) -- The Beginning
Genre: humor
Rate: G
Character: Taemin, Eunhyuk, Shindong, Kyuhyun, Donghae

Sunmor (Sunday morning) yang tenang di dorm SJ. Pagi ini mereka kumpul di dorm bawah untuk sarapan berjamaah sebelum berangkat ke tempat kerja masing masing.


"Woooi, makan!" teriak Ryeowook dari dapur sambil mukulin panci di tangannya pakai sendok sayur. Para makhluk SJ langsung duduk anteng di meja makan menghadap piring, nungguin makanannya dibagi sama Ryeowook.

"Apa menu hari ini?" Shindong mengelus perutnya.

"Soondae-gook, nasi, kimchi," jawab Ryeowook, mulai membagi makanan ke piring tiap member.


Saat mereka akan melahap makanan, tiba-tiba bel berbunyi.
"Halah, gangguin orang mau makan aje. Eunhyuk, bukain pintunya gih!" perintah Leeteuk sok ngebos. Eunhyuk malas-malasan bangkit dari kursinya dan menyeret langkah ke pintu.

"Siapa?" tanyanya. Awas kalau orang iseng, gumamnya dalam hati.
"Onew, hyung!" jawab orang di balik pintu. "Plus Taemin!"
"Halah, kalian toh. Kenapa?" tanya Eunhyuk sambil membukakan pintu dan menyuruh 2 hoobae-nya itu masuk.

"Tenang hyung. Bukan minta makan lagi kok," celetuk Taemin.
"Hush! Nggak usah buka aib!" Onew menjitak kepala Taemin. Yang dijitak cengengesan gaje.

"Jadi gini lho hyung. Jadi, begini, sebenernya itu, anu, hmm, itu lho, gini hyung..."
"Udaaaaah cepetan! Aku laper!" potong Eunhyuk

"Oke hyung. Jadi, tujuan kami kesini itu mau nitipin..."
"Nitip apaan? Si RooRoo (anjingnya Jjong)? Ogah! No thanks! Dorm sudah cukup penuh gara-gara Heebum, Hyaku, Ddangkoma dan cs cs nya itu!"
"Yee, siapa juga yang mau nitip RooRoo? Bisa nangis Jonghyun dipisahin sama si item berbulu itu! Kita mau nitipin si Taemin!" kata Onew langsung sambil nunjuk Taemin. "Dia besok ujian, jadi dapet libur. Di dorm gak ada yang ngawasin. Boleh titip ini anak kan hyung? Boleh ya? Boleh dong!"

Jidat Eunhyuk berkerut membentuk sixpack *apadeh*. Matanya melirik ke arah Taemin yang membawa satu ransel penuh buku. Ia mikir-mikir sebentar sebelum akhirnya membuka mulut.

"Ijin sama Teukie-hyung ajalah..." Eunhyuk berjalan ke ruang makan.

"Hyung, dicariin," katanya sambil menowel pundak si leader.
"OnTae. Cepetan! Udah ditungguin tuh anak dua di depan," tandas Eunhyuk sambil menyeret Leeteuk ke ruang tamu. Ia mendorong Leeteuk dan kabur ke ruang makan.

"Dasar dongsaeng kurang ajar!" rutuk Leeteuk. Siku kanannya terantuk meja gara-gara didorong si anchovy tadi.

"Annyeong hyung," sapa OnTae bersamaan. Leeteuk menganggukkan kepalanya.
"Annyeong. Ada apa?"
"Anu hyung, kita mau nitipin si maknae di sini," kata Onew. Leeteuk mendelik.
"Nitipin Taemin? Lu pikir kita babysitter?" pekik Leeteuk. Taemin cemberut.

"Siapa juga yang bayi, hyung!" gerutunya kemudian.
"Kamu!" tunjuk Onew dan Leeteuk bersamaan. Taemin melengos.

"Oke, kembali ke laptop eh topik, maksudnya nitipin itu bukan minta ngurusin atau apa, tapi cuma minta ngawasin aja. Dia ujian besok," jelas Onew. Leeteuk manggut-manggut.

"Jadi boleh, hyung?" tanya si Dubu memastikan.


Akhirnya Taemin ditinggal di dorm SJ dengan beberapa pesan dari Onew.

"Belajar yang serius!" Taemin mengangguk
"Teukie-hyung, tolong jaga anak ini," lalu Onew membisikkan sesuatu ke Leeteuk.
"Jangan ajari dia yang aneh-aneh. Matanya masih virgin dan innocent. Jangan sampai dia pinjam laptop Hyukkie-hyung! Bisa habis dibunuh Key aku kalau dia pulang nggak polos lagi!"

Leeteuk tertawa. "Yaaa, tenanglah! Lagian dia kan sudah besar!"
"Belum cukup dewasa untuk nonton yang kayak gituan hyung. Dia masih innocent,"

"Baik. Sudah sana, hus! Katanya ada jadwal!" dan Leeteuk pun berhasil mengusir Onew dari dorm dengan sukses.

Sepeninggal Onew...

"Hyung," Taemin menarik-narik lengan baju Leeteuk.
"Wae?" tanya Leeteuk heran.
"Lho, Key nggak ngasih kamu makan apa?"
"Tadi Umma belum masak waktu aku ke sini. Ayo hyung, aku laper," rengek Taemin. Mukanya memelas.
"Iyadeh. Ayo," Leeteuk menyeret Taemin ke ruang makan.


Setelah sarapan, para makhluk SJ rapat darurat untuk menentukan siapa yang menjaga Taemin.

"Hari ini gak ada yang free hyung," lapor Siwon. Leeteuk memutar otak.
"Ada yang jadwalnya cuma satu-dua?" Siwon sibuk memperhatikan jadwal mereka.
"Shindong-hyung, Eunhyuk-hyung, Donghae-hyung, sama Kyuhyun,"
"Oke. Jadi yang jagain dia kalian berempat yaa," putus Leeteuk. Yang disuruh merengut.

"Ogaaah hyung, ogaaah!" keluh EunHae. Kyuhyun acuh tak acuh, tetap main PSP. Shindong... masih asik menggasak makanan sisa (rakus ._.)

"Aaah, udah! Gak usah protes!"

Friday, December 3, 2010


Title: Jealousy
Genre: yaoi, drabble
Rate: PG
Character: 2Min, Key

oke. kali ini pake bahasa indonesia ye HAHA. terinspirasi dari kiss scene-nya Minho di pianist, ceritanya Taem marah hahahaha xD

SHINee's Dorm

BRAK! Terdengar suara pintu dibanting dari kamar Taemin. Key buru-buru keluar dari dapur dan berjalan ke kamar anak bungsunya itu. Ia mengetuk pintunya pelan.

"Taemin-ah, waeyo?" tanyanya.

"Anni, gwaenchana hyung," jawab Taemin.

"Taeminnie, buka pintunya sekarang atau aku akan mendobrak pintumu!" ancam Key. Ia mendengar suara langkah kaki, dan sedetik kemudian si mushroom headed boy sudah berdiri di depannya.

"Jadi, ada apa?" tanya Key setelah masuk ke kamar Taemin.

"Anni. Nggak papa kok hyung," jawab Taemin sekenanya.

"Lee Taemin. Nggak perlu bohong. Ayo, kenapa?"

"Aaaah, kan aku sudah bilang gak ada apa-apa hyung. Kok hyung gak percaya sih?" Taemin cemberut.

"Hei, aku umma di sini! Dan aku tahu kalau kau ada masalah. Ayo ceritakaaaaan~!" paksa Key. Taemin melengos.

".... ini... karena Minho-hyung," gumam Taemin.

"Kau ada masalah apa dengannya? Kalian marahan lagi?"

"Nggak! Bukan begitu hyung. Sebenarnya nggak ada apa apa. Tapi kemarin waktu aku nonton drama Pianist itu..."

"Oh, yayayaya. Bagian itu? Sudahlah! Itu kan cuma akting,"

"Tapi, aku capek! Hyung, aku capek melihatnya! Aku benci kalau dia harus melakukan hal 'itu' dengan orang lain, biarpun itu cuma untuk pekerjaan! Hyung..." Taemin terisak pelan.


"Hyung~ Umma~ bisakah kau katakan pada Minho untuk tidak mengambil peran seperti itu lagi?"

"Ara, ara, Taeminnie! Sssh, sudah! Nanti ajak saja dia bicara setelah dia pulang. Arasseo?"

"Ne, umma. Gomawo," gumam Taemin, tapi masih terdengar isakan di sela-sela kata-katanya. Key menghela napas pelan.

Yak! rampung. drabble gak mutu. :P gak niat soalnya!

hell-o world, i'm back!

hello yang kangen sama posting blog ane! (emangnya ada?)

hmm berhubung saya bingung mau nulis apa (fyi: ini random post sambil nunggu download. HAHA) jadi ngasal ajalah yaaa

well. beberapa hari ini aku nggak buka twitter (iya, kadang, but not as much as I usually do) dan saya anggap itu kemajuan besar! sangat besar! soalnya sejak punya twitter jadi netizen ane hehe --"

oh iyaaa! udah nonton MV VNT? aku BELUM lhooo (terus kenapa?) call me 'nggak update' or what but that's the truth. yah kan aku gak bisa sering sering online T_T. Sound kan ya judulnya? yang ini nih:

ini aku baru download. hahaha --"

terus... oiya. flashdisk. kayaknya si flashdisk-stabilo-ijo punyaku yang 4GB itu masih kurang gede memorinya. ya abisan kan si flashdisk itu buat tempat file cadangan download-an ku, cuma berhubung ada banyak banget (sekitar 5 GB lebih) jadinya gak cukup. gak asik (._.)

fyi (lagi) mulai hari ini sampai sabtu minggu depan ada UAS di sekolahku. YEAH. one whole week of brainstorming! selesai UAS otak saya meledak lalalala~ lagian kejam juga gurunya mosok yang kelas 9 habis TPM langsung dikasih UAS. kejam. kejam. kejam

oke, udahan deh ah. udah ujan nih mana langit gelap banget. mending bikin FF 2min PG XD #plak

bye bloggies! wish me luck for my end-term exam!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

sapa suruh samaan?

cerita ini terjadi di kelas 9B

korban: fara hajar sama farid
tersangka: aku, dinda, fauzan, yaya, ari dan beberapa orang lainnyaaa

tadi jam istirahat saya males keluar kelas dan memutuskan untuk nggarap tugas IPS. nah waktu itu dinda manggil aku buat pinjem HP (biasa mau nonton MV) oke gapenting. lanjut

setelah itu akhirnya aku malah ngobrol sama dinda. dan fauzan tiba tiba bilang...

"eh, iki tempat pensile fara karo farid podo!"

dan kita segera ngerubungin itu tempat pensil. dinda sama fauzan (otak rencana busuk) langsung dapet ide brilian yaitu... nuker tempat pensil itu anak dua.

setelah berhasil dituker dengan sukses, kita nungguin reaksi dua orang itu. yang pertama masuk kelas si fara

fara: (duduk di kursinya, ngobrol sama theak)
aku: (bisikin dinda) din, durung sadar kae
dinda: halah rapopo!

terus beberapa menit kemudian tau tau mereka berdua heboh. tak kira si fara dah nyadar terus heboh nyariin tempat pensilnya, jebul buku matematikanya thea ilang entah kemana --"

oke, nunggu lagi

beberapa menit kemudian...

"eh dosgrepku mana?" fara hajar teriak. aku langsung nglirik dinda
"lho, lho, ilang po?" dinda ikut heboh. aku gakbisa nahan ketawa, hampir ngguyu

yak, anak sekelas heboh. umm, bukan sekelas ding, cuma si fara tapi hebohnya kayak sekelas

terus akhirnya si farid ikutan masuk kan, terus ditanyain dinda

"rid, iki dosgrepmu udu?"

faridnya cengo


fara heboh lagi!

"lha to! itu bukan punyaku!"
"tapi itu punyamu to far?"
"bukan! punyaku lebih gede, isinya bolpen banyak!"

fyi, tempat pensil farid gak ada isinya blas ._.

akhirnya setelah drama (?) beberapa menit itu dosgrep kembali ke tangan pemiliknya masing masing

pulang pulang aku dicekek fara hajar di depan kelas. sialaaaaaaan

Sunday, November 21, 2010


hello bloggies. langsung ya?


yeah. hell yeah. bentar. HELL NOOOOOOOOOOO

aku mau fangirling dimana lagi coba?

yah. aslinya sih baru sempet tak hapus tadi. barusan aja. sambil nahan tangis #opotoh ya gak sih. biasa wae .___.

bukan apa apa. cuma masalahnya, itu 145 video udah aku kumpulin dari berapa bulan yang lalu... dan dihapus. gitu aja. dihapus gitu aja. woi sakit ati nih!!

well. that's all. mau ngeratapin nasib lagi deh aye ㅜㅡㅜ

have a nice day fellaaaaasss~!

안뇽 :p

Thursday, November 18, 2010


just pict. i'm too lazy to write a story here. sorry haha

yak emang saya malesan. lagian ceritanya juga dah pada tau kan ._.

jadi nonton foto foto saya yang gak jelas ini wae :P

urm... cukup meyakinkan?

kesalahan utama: harusnya KAGAK pake nasi sama minum haish

dinda yang mbakat jadi juragan sate *digeplak

sate mentah

hasil akhir... hampir akhir

ceritanya nusukin sate

kebanyakan emang jepretan gak jelas, maklum gak niat juga -_-

mmm... maybe random?

ok. i got this from della's blog here

did it just i'm bored before make a post of my school's activity (baca: bakar bakaran) so check it out (if you want)

Favourite boy group?
SHINee, Super Junior, Big Bang

Favourite girl group?
SNSD, 2NE1, f(x)

Favourite idol group overall?
mm... maybe SHINee? (yeah i'm into SHINee right now, sorry ELF ._.)

Other groups you love?
4minute? then Brown Eyed Girls haha

Rank your favourites from each of your stated groups above?
SHINee: Taemin
Super Junior: Yesung
Big Bang: Daeseung
SNSD: Sooyoung
2NE1: well... Minzy?
f(x): Amber

Favourite pairings from each of your stated groups?
SHINee: 2min
Super Junior: Eunhae
Big Bang: ... don't know ._.V
SNSD: yoonyul haha
2NE1: ... gaaaaaaaah
f(x): Amber-Sulli

Favourite idol group pairings?
f(SHINee) does to me, umm I ship MinZy (Minho-Suzy) and TaeSul (Taemin-Sulli)

Favourite solo female singer?
just know BoA, so i think it's her.

Favourite solo male singer?

Favourite idol overall?
lee taemin!

Favourite songs right now?
Electric Heart - SHINee, and Insomnia - Ryeowook (in SS2)

Favourite fanclub?
shawol and elf 

Favourite entertainment company?
SM, but i think i'll change to YG if they (sigh) keep torturing (?) their artists with packed shows

Loved a group you’re not into anymore?

First kpop song ever?
Super Junior - sorry sorry

First kpop music video ever?
Sorry Sorry

First kpop love (group/solo)?
Super Junior

First variety show (and with who)?
Hello Baby - SHINee (HAHA i'm so late)

Group you could never get into no matter how much you tried.

Any dance you can do (from a MV etc) or want to learn?
nothing but i want to learn all of them

Any songs you memorized the lyrics to?

Hottest male in the industry to you?
... minho (haha sorry taemin)

Prettiest female in the industry to you?

A person you want to be like/admire the most?
urm... taeyeon?

A song you must/always/usually listen to EVERY day?

Your favorite music video?
It's You, No Other by Super Junior, all of SHINee's MV, Haru-Haru by Big Bang, It Hurts by 2NE1, lachata by f(x), Gee-Korean by SNSD

Any of your friends into kpop and who?
Some of them

Have any KPop merchandise?
i have 4 albums 

Which group can you see yourself being dedicated to for the rest of your time into Kpop?
maybe SHINee and Super Junior, as long as they're not disband (and i hope they won't)

Sunday, November 14, 2010


gosh i love my tumblr!

biar isinya cuma reblog, tetep ajee XD

fyi, isi tumblr saya emang kebanyakan reblog. mbuh dari acc mana apa siapa yang penting kalau bagus saya reblog!

isinya juga kebanyakan picspam. this is why i love tumblr: because it's the heaven of fancam, fanphoto, and fanart which i love love love so much! emang bukan aku yang bikin tapi kan... tetep xD

some of those reblogs:

astaga. bandingin tingginya masya Allah #ngakak

wooo. saya tau sekarang kalau rambutnya key yang kemaren putih dicat coklat #ngasal

flaming charisma gituloooohhh xD

ini foto si jjong kagak beres ._.

SHINee's cutie-pie! kyeoptaaaa~!!

jinki si leader maniak ayam

favorite couple: 2min! gyaaaaaa xDD

oke. itu picspam gak penting. haha. cuma ngisi waktu begadang ini ._.

random again

please. go away

tears, don't fall for a person like that

heart, forget the person please

myself, don't just pretend that you're okay, but let them see that you're okay!

god, i need your help in this problem


i just want to press the reset button

tau kan apa itu reset button? yang kalau kita teken, semua data bakal kehapus. yeah, that's it. misalnya kamu teken itu tombol di HP, ntar sekartu memori ilang semua pengaturan, isi, dll dsb-nya

and that's the same as what do i want to do right now. and from now on

get what i said? or no?

yah pokoknya kayak gitu. intinya ngilangin beberapa memori lah. tentang orang orang tertentu :p (jangan frontal deh makasih)

Press the reset, press press the reset 난 널 너만을 보고 있는데 (nan neol, neomaneul bogo ittneunde)

Press the reset, press press the reset 난 널 너를 잊을 수 없는데 (nan neol, neoreul ijeul su eobtneunde)

Press the reset, press press the reset 내 앞에 서 있는 널 어떻게 놓으라는 거니? (nae ape seo ittneun neol eoddeohke noh euraneun geoni?)

Press the reset, press press the reset

press the reset, press press the reset
i’m looking at you.. only you

press the reset, press press the reset
you, i can’t forget you

press the reset, press press the reset
how am i to let go of the person who’s standing in front of me

press the reset, press press the reset

Super Junior - Reset :)

bismillah! semoga bisa ngereset otakku ini hehe xD

bye bloggies. ini gak jelas. ya kan?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Just Me and You - Part 8

Brainstuck .____.

Author's POV
SM's Building, a practice room

"Meet us after lunch, okay?"

"Ne, oppa. At the back garden right?"

"Yes. Bring all of your girls, except the target,"

"I see. What else?"

"That's all. We will wait for you. Annyeong,"

"Annyeong oppa,"

Henry's POV

What happened to my hyungs? They suddenly disappeared from the practice room!

Manager hyung asked me to call all of them at the practice room to meet him. When I arrived there, the room was empty. No one is there

I've tried to call they one by one, but nobody answered it

God. What will manager hyung say?

Author's POV
SM Building, the Back Garden

"Sorry, we're late,"


"So what will we do now?" asked one of the girls

"Yeah hyung, what will we do?" asked the innocent-looking boy

"We're here to hold a meeting..."

"Meeting sounds too formal, hyung,"

"Then what else?"

"Could you please stop? We need to finish this quickly. The lunch break had finished!"

"Calm down Vic. Teuk, she's right,"

"Okaaaaaaay. So shall we start now?"

Ask-and-answer time

"Did something happen last night? After she came home?" asked Donghae

"Well, we forced her to tell us what happened but..." Krystal was cut by Sulli

"She just told us the general things, so we thought that something else happened,"

"Then when we asked her again, she was, like, angry? She went to her room and locked the door,"

"This morning, her mood seemed better. We could smell something fishy," and the two of them ended their explanation

"Maknaes, you're really good at spying," said Luna, rolled her eyes. The two maknae grinned at each other

"And how about him?"

"The same as your story, but in the end he slammed the door," said Eunhyuk quickly

"In angriness?"

"Yeah. Before he went to the room he yelled at us,"

"Huh? Henry? Yelled at you?"

Just Me and You - Part 7

Author's POV

Super Junior's Dorm

"Is he angry?"

"He slammed the door! He MUST be angry!"

"Okay, okay. Chill down guys," said Leeteuk with a serious face.

"Hyung, what will we do now?" asked the eternal maknae with a worried face.

"What I could say is, maybe something went wrong at their date..." said Kyuhyun without glanced out from his PSP.

"He burst out when we asked him about the confession..." Donghae tried to remember the whole thing.

"MWO? Confession?"

"Did she reject him?" and they glanced at each other.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM?" they screamed in unison.

f(x)'s Dorm

"Nothing, nothing, nothing," said Amber with her straight face.

"EH? IS IT?"

"Is that all?"

"Come on, unnie..."

"Yah! Amber! Tell us!"

"NO.THING. I'll go to bed now," said her. She walked to her room and closed the door, leaving all her dongsaengs and Vic stared at her.

Henry's POV

I'm gonna cry now...

Amber's POV

After closed the door, I sighed, puzzled out.

What did he want to say?

I reached my phone then dialed his number. At least I should thank him, no?

Henry's POV


Hey, wait. This ringtone...

Hello, hello. Nareumdaero yeonggil naesseoyeo

And that must be...


Amber's POV

Please pick up the phone, pick up the phone...


That's him. YEAH THAT'S HIM. I gulped before talked again.


"Umm, yeah?"


"Mm, I just want to... to... to thank you for the dinner,"

I could hear he chuckled.

"I'm the one who should thank you," said him, and I blushed.

What did he mean?

Henry's POV
"I'm the one who should thank you," I said

Huh? What did I say?

"... the one who should thank you,"

Pabo. Henry, you're the biggest idiot in the world

Author's POV

"What did you mean?" asked Amber "Henry?"

"Eh? Forget it,"


"Ssh, could you please don't mind it?

"Gee, okay,"

Then an awkward silence again

"It's already late, right?" asked Amber, tried to break the awkwardness

"Nope. It's just 9.30 pm," said Henry

"Okay, I'll end this call,"

"Huh? Wae? Ani! Wait!" Henry almost yelled at her

"Now what?" asked her, yawned.

"Urm? Ah, uh, mm..."

"I'll hang the phone now. I'm sleepy," said her, yawning again

"Are you trying to avoid me?"

"Of course not! See, I'm just sleepy right now,"

"The one who have to be sleepy is me, not you,"

"You know that women need more sleep than men right?"

"So what?"

"Then could you pleaaaaase?"

"Okay, okay," he chuckled. "Good night,"

Then they pressed the end button in the exactly same time

chapter 7 - done! hehe xD

9B dan demam blog

cerita ini berawal dari waktu pulang sekolah

waktu itu sekitar jam setengah 1, banyak anak 9B yang kumpul di perpus buat garap tugas PKn dari si ibu-yang-kalau-ngasih-tugas-nyusahin itu. namanya anak SMP (?) kalau garap tugas pasti disambi-sambi. nah yang pertama itu si fathin iseng buka blog-nya dan kebetulan saya memergoki (halah) terus aku bilang,

"thin, follow blogku yooo!"

dan tidak disangka sangka si OM aka bram denger, terus dia jalan ke arah komputernya fathin.

"thin, iki blogmu?" si fathinnya ngangguk.

"wooo, follow nggonanku eh!" dan pas bram bilang gitu kita semua speechless (lebay)

gimana bisa coba si bram yang kita tau gak punya fb tau tau njedul bilang dia punya blog?

dan dia ngelanjutin "emang lu pikir gue nggak punya facebook?"

dan perpus langsung rusuh! para former blogger yang emang udah punya blog dari jaman baheula langsung ikutan ke mejanya fathin, cuma buat ngasih tau alamat blog masing masing. masih ditambah ini,

"follow blogku yoo!"

"yo! ntar tak follow!"

dan dan dan karena itulah anak-anak lainnya yang gak punya blog jadi ikutan ngeliat. malah ada yang langsung inisiatif bikin blog (kayak si juki eh maksudnya yaya yang langsung bikin blog buat curhat masalah si kitai, di sini nih)

emang melas banget nasib si kitai, semoga dia diterima di sisi-Nya. amin

sebelum ngelantur makin jauh lagi, udahan deh ya. saya udah cukup puas ngakak tadi di perpus xD

bye bloggies!

Friday, October 29, 2010

unique facts of

i'm in my writing mode right now, haha :D

finally aku bosen nulis korea... untuk hari ini. udah banyak ngepost korea dari tadi. sekarang bahas 9B aja yaaa, seperti biasa saya tau-tau dapet ide macam begini --". jumlah factnya 36, biar pas hehe

start the fact now! xD

1. 9B wali kelasnya bu sudji, guru IPS

2. punya ketua kelas paling gak genah, namanya lopy. bukan ketua kelas yang baik pokoknya ._.

3. kelas dengan prestasi classmeeting membanggakan. waktu kelas 7, 7B juara 1 sepak bola, juara 1 basket, sama juara 2 voli

4. jumlah OSIS terbanyak ada di 9B

5. jumlah DP terbanyak juga di 9B

6. PM di 9B cuma 2 orang, galih sama farid. itu aja mereka gak jelas PM beneran apa bukan

7. ketua OSIS 1 sama 2 ada di 9B

8. 9B gak punya kpopers, cuma aku #njukngopo

9. kemaren waktu dimas diajeng dapet juara 2

10. terus waktu kebersihan juga juara 2 (kalau nggak salah)

11. game ala 9B: rasido!

12. kata kata khas 9B: rasido, temen temen eh temen temen, dll

13. tukang lawaknya segudang

14. anak-anaknya pada gak bisa diem

15. pernah bikin bu GJ aroma melati mutung gara-gara gak ada yang siap presentasi

16. paling suka nggarapi pak sofwan, tapi suka nawar nilai ._.

17. paling males kalau disuruh piket

18. pelajaran favorit anak-anaknya: sepertinya... gak ada --"

19. banyak nama samaan: kekecil-kekedhe, yaya-dea, raras-lia, dll

20. target ejekan sekelas: lopy, sufi, dsb

21. terdiri dari anak-anak dengan latar belakang 2 agama: islam-khatolik

22. dulu punya master voli namanya iqbal, tapi sekarang dia udah pindah ke malang, ke sekolah atlet

23. anak 9B sepi gosip (katanya...)

24. paling males kalau disuruh ngaji pagi-pagi

25. ada kelompok yang suka ketawa nyampe teriak-teriak, kayak fara-thea, terus faradiba-farah-dea-kesia

26. terkenal alim (tapi boong)

27. daftar guru GJ anak 9B: pak sofwan & bu melati

28. foto buku tahunan tanpa konsep di benteng vredeburg

29. nama souva dibikin sama lopy, idenya dari letak kelas 9B (selatan ruang ava=south ava=souva)

30. bikin admin dikebut 2 hari selama libur lebaran, yang nggarap cuma ber-6 ._.

31. ada aset MK (aliran sesat mohon kerjasama) ciptaannya fara hajar. itu trik nyontek --"

32. ada anak edan yang sukanya dengerin musik sambil nyanyi-nyanyi geje (baca: aku sama kekegedhe kadang kadang)

33. kerjaan tiap pagi: garap PR berjamaah. apalagi kalau kamis

34. yang paling sering dibeli di kantin: yoghurt sama pisang aroma

35. anak padusnya banyak

36. buber di SS Sagan, hampir semua dateng & banyak kehebohan yang gak penting haha

weleh, bikin ginian aje sejak kapan juga kagak rampung rampung -___- kagak ada ide sih tau tau abis gitu heleheleh --"

random lyrics :P

as usual: korea is in. beware!!!!

kali ini aku bakal nulis tentang lirik-lirik lagu kpop yang... urm, ngena. banget malah. dipilih dari playlist galau saya (?)

Oh, I can't tell you about me
Who wants to reach your heart
Like the starlight hidden behind the cold clouds
I love you, in the end, this painful confession
That lingers at the edge of my lips
Slides down in tears
yaaaak, itu tadi translation liriknya SHINee yang Quasimodo. pokoknya recommended buat para unrequited love-ers kekekekeke (that included me, I think x3)

I can't remove you, who's stuck in my heart
Because it's love, because for me, it's love
yang atas part-nya Jonghyun. bawahnya punya Onew

endingnya, which I loved so so so so much :D
Even if it hurts
Even if you make me cry
I love you
yeah that's it! paling enak didengerin pas hujan, di kamar sendirian malem-malem, waktu nggalau, atau apapun disaat pikiran anda mellow, maka lagu ini akan semakin me-mellowkan (?) feeling anda!

next song:

following the skinny shadow, i steal a glance
pretending i’m looking in the mirror
this image becomes ridiculous.. maybe i should give up.
how many times have i had this worry
Monster by Super Junior. kalau lagunya kurang lebih tentang orang yang suka sama orang lain, terus malah terobsesi (kayaknya)

no matter how much i kick and scream and cry
my pained, lonely heart still hurts
i saw your eyes waver
i know that it’s not because of me. it’s always been like that
obsesi! yeah itulaaaah pokoknya. kekekeke

when tonight passes, will i be able to forget you
i don’t know anything now.. i want to forget, even if i get hit in the face
when tonight passes, will i be able to erase you
what is all this? these mixed up feelings, but just like that i’m following you
kalau part yang di atas ini yang... so-like-myself. haha

lagu berikutnyeee:

Just stay by my side
You'll always be my lady
My heart with yours together, crazy
Just stay by my side
If you look only to me, ok
You and me together forever, crazy
SHINee's Best Place. cocok buat yang mau ngajak mantan balikan (?-_-) tapi emang kenyataannya gitu yaaa. atau kalau nggak, buat namja yang mau ngerayu yeoja-nya. kekekekeke

I'm getting tired of this crazy love for you
Though I can't shake off our memories
My life has become meaningless
There's room for you to return...
gak bisa bayangin ada fanboy, punya yeoja fangirl, terus mereka marahan, terus fanboynya nyanyiin ini lagu... ngakak abis xDD

well, that's all. mau bikin surat buat lomba, haish aneh aneh wae aaaaa. doakan saya menang ya, ntar kan dapet duit #plakk kekekeke *ketawa setan*



warning: korea-koreaan. antis get out please

ini nyambung sama post yang breaking kpop news. oke, korea lagi. maap tapi saya baru pengen ngebahas some of the ridiculous news lately :P

first one: berita pairing jejadian. ada yang bilang taemin-sulli kek, minho-yuri kek, atau apalah. nyusul berita jonghyun yang sama shin sekyung itu kan? sekarang yang saya bingung ini hoax apa bukan? masalahnya account fandom-fandom banyak yang bilang ini berita asli, tapi waktu aku liat di (website terpercaya) itu NGGAK ADA. dan saya anggap yang ini HOAX

second one: berita kalau ternyata pengumuman jongkyung kemaren itu... rekayasa SME. tau SME? SME (atau SM Entertainment) itu PH-nya SHINee. sama kayak SJ, SNSD, TVXQ, JYJ, dsb. nah ternyata di internet (twitter terutama) banyak yang bilang kalau beritanya jongkyung kemaren itu sengaja dibikin biar masalahnya JYJ yang kontrak-kontrakan itu jadi 'tenggelam'. halah ada-ada aja. yang ini saya kategorikan... fifty-fifty

third one: jonghyun keluar dari SHINee? kalau dipikir ini kayaknya yang bikin antis, atau mantan shawol (terutama blings) yang jadi antis gara-gara masalah jongkyung itu. this is truly a hoax, that's all I could say. coba dipikir pake logika mana mungkin sih jonghyun mau keluar dari SHINee pas SHINee baru tenar-tenarnya gini --"

fourth one: album ke-5 SJ (5jib) ada si Kibum. maybe yes, maybe no. soalnya katanya denger denger kibum juga udah balik ke dorm hehe. well, ini berita lama :P

fifth one: ... kehabisan berita. ntaran deh kalau ada berita lagi, dan itu berita emang aneh gak jelas gitu bakal tak post deh.

annyeong! xDD

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Just Me and You - Part 6

well, sorry for the so-late update. writer block? yeah, that's it. and school is really... -_____-


-- Amber's POV --

When I came back from the dinner, my dongsaeng and Victoria were welcoming me with a huge, wide grin.

The one who opened the door was Sulli. She screamed when she saw me,

"UNNIEEEEE! KRYSTAL! Look, it's Amber-unnie!"

Then the rest of the members rushed to the door, gave me the huge, wide grin that I mentioned earlier.

Something smells fishy, I knew that.

"So, did he asked you out?"

"How was the date?"

"My clothes fit you perfectly, I'm really good at styling!"

"Stop! Let's just let her get into the dorm then ask her to tell us the story," the wise Luna stopped the questions and pulled me in. Should I thanked her or frowned at her?

-- Author's POV --

Super Junior's dorm was very crowded.

"Is that all you did?"

"I don't believe it! Didn't you just... confess... a bit, or something like that?"

"S-T-U-P-I-D! Pabooooo!!!"

"Our maknae is that innocent huh?"

Then laughter came from the room.

"It's all because of you who ruined my last chance!" Henry yelled before walked angrily to his room and slammed the door


Sorry. Late update kekekekekeke :P biasa sibuklah sibuk!

class of crazy people :P

yaaaak! seperti yang anda sekalian ketahui saya adalah anak 9B. oke aku nggak tau kenapa tiba-tiba saya jadi pengen ngebahas masalah ini, gak tau beneran, kebawa mood kali ya ._.

jadi 9B itu kelas yang ada di barisan kelas-kelas 9 lainnya. letaknya hampir persis di belakang ruang ava, terus gara gara nyerempet dikit itu makanya nama kelas jadi alias south ava community (pemrakarsa: lopy si ketua kelas gak genah)

dan akhirnya kita pakai nama itu juga, kagak ada ide sih --"

9B punya OSIS segudang, DP banyak. PM... cuma 1-2-3 ketoke. memang 9B terkenal tidak alim, beda sama 9F yang PM nya segudang. beda soal kalau atlet, 9B mah banyak kekekekeke (nyombong)

pengurus kelasnya:

ketua kelas: Gregorius Calvin Adrian Lopy a.k.a Lopy, GCAL, Raja poka atau kalau mau yang maksa... dianggep kembaran sama ari

wakil ketua: Yan Wijayanti Cindrawasih alias Keke, Minthul, opolah. penggemar berat the virgin yang belakangan ini mulai saya racuni pake ring ding dong. NGAHAHAHA

sekretaris I: Deya Silvia Dewi, atau Yaya, Juki', dll. punya helm hello kitty warna pink yang sering diaku-aku anaknya (bapaknya... juki'? o.o)

sekretaris II: Clara Inneke Aurora, panggilannya Kekecil, Sule, dsb. berhubung di kelas ada 2 keke jadi yang satu keke, satunya kekecil. mekso? emang ._.

bendahara I: Abadi Pinasthika alias Abadi, absen 1. opoyo? paling muda sekelas, terus... ah mbuh ah #kabur

bendahara II: Tita Retno Dewinta si pindahan dari Padang. kalau ngomong bahasa jawa kadang logatnya aneh hahahaha :PP

9B punya wali kelas bernama bu suji yang notabene adalah guru IPS *opotoh* awalnya wali kelas kita bu betty, terus jadi bu dharmas. terus baru deh jadi bu suji. nggak taulah kenapa bisa jadi kayak gitu, kayaknya ada kesalahan teknis dari pihak sekolah HAHAHA XP

sepertinya cukup segitu, mata saya tinggal 5 watt -____-